C7 Philip Jacob Miller, born 1726 Germany, died August or September, 1799, Campbell County, Kentucky; married in 1751 Magdalena Rochette, in Pennsylvania. She was born in Frederick County, Maryland, died in Campbell County, Kentucky, 1808. Thirteen children.
Magdalena Miller, Probably Not Rochette (c1730-1800/1808), Grandmother to 97, 52 Ancestors #120
Magdalena, such a beautiful name. Biblical of course, but then her family was Brethren, so a Biblical name isn’t the least bit surprising.
It’s somehow a bit ironic that the only mention, anyplace of Magdalena’s name is in her husband’s estate records. And the name may be Magdalen, with no trailing a or e. Spelling was far from standardized at that time.
Philip Jacob Miller died in early 1799 in Campbell County, KY. His estate was inventoried and probated, and sometime between 1800 and 1808 when the estate was settled, Magdalena became ill, was treated by a doctor and died. Philip Jacob’s estate paid money at various undated times to Magdalena, then paid for her doctor bill; “pail cash to the amount of 3 pounds 3 shillings for necessaries during the illness of Magdalen Miller, widow of Jacob Miller, dec’d, which illness carried her off.”
The next entry shows her funeral expenses at 10 shillings. How did that equate in the money of the day? Well, a small log chain in the estate was appraised at 10 shillings, so perhaps the only expense was the wooden box in which she was buried. Vastly different from today.
Were it not for these notations, we would have no idea of Magdalena’s name. For more than 70 years, there was no record – and only with the death of her husband do we learn her name. Had she died first, her name would forever be unknown to us.
The rest of what we know about Magdalena is by inference. For example, she had a daughter, also named Magdalena who is referenced in Philip Jacob’s estate settlement. Magdalena, the daughter, shown by the family as having been born April 25, 1770, married Daniel Ullery and is unquestionably identified as the daughter of Philip Jacob Miller – but Magdalena’s birth is not recorded in Philip Jacob’s Bible. She would have been born right about the time be obtained that Bible, so how could he forget the newest baby? But, he did. She’s not the only missing child in that Bible either.
Because some of the children are missing from the Bible record, and they appear to be the youngest 4 children, we have to make inferences about when Magdalena, the mother, was born. If her last child was born about 1774 or 1775, she would have been about age 45, so born about 1730, which makes sense. Philip Jacob Miller was born no later than 1727, so they would have been about the same age.
We don’t know where Magdalena was born, or who her parents were. We don’t even know if she was born in the US or abroad. What we do know is that she had to be in the same location as Philip Jacob Miller in order to meet and marry. In roughly 1750, that would have been York County, PA living in the Brethren settlement there.
To access this entire blog posting, click here.
They were farmers and land owners 1745 to 1796, in Hagerstown, Frederick County, Maryland, later to become Washington County, Maryland, in 1776, but all of their children were born while it was Frederick County, Maryland.
In 1796 Philip Jacob Miller purchased land in Campbell County, Kentucky, and moved there with several of his married children. He also bought 2000 acres of land that lay along O'Bannon Creek in Warren County, Ohio, for $1.10 per acre. After his death, his children made an agreement among themselves to divide this land into ten 200 acre parcels. Magdalena, decided to take her share in cash. The other children drew lots for this 200 acre parcel, but only a few of them ever lived on their land in Warren County, Ohio.
Philip Jacob Miller Vital Records:
The following information is from the Brethren Rootsweb, March 2010:
Probable Location of Death & BurialPhilip Jacob Miller died in Campbell County, Kentucky (Aug 1799). I found that the Twelve Mile Baptist Church might have originally been a Baptist Brethren Church (several of their founding members were children of the Brethren Minister, George Tarvin - who had come to Maysville Kentucky about 1795). Twelve Mile Creek is east (and slightly south) of Alexandria KY and flows east into the Ohio River. There was an early cemetery on the island that was in the mouth of the creek there. The whole island was washed away in an Ohio River Flood. I do suspect that Philip Jacob lived in that area, and was buried in the island cemetery. I could locate no other burial for him.
Mouth of Twelve Mile Creek near Alexandria Kentucky
Global Coordinates: 38º58'11.20"N by 84º18'5.27"W
View area in Google Maps | Closer View of Twelve Mile Creek MouthHis children came across the river to the Obannon Church. Sons: David and Daniel lived about 2 miles almost due south of Goshen Ohio. David had 200 Acres, with Daniel having 110 Acres adjacent. This was located on William Lytel's Plat Map of the Virginia Bounty Lands Survey (1802, as). It is at the North East corner of Goshen Road and Woodville Pike. The old log Obannon Church Building (ca. 1823) was at the Stoddard Cemetery, about a mile east of the south edge of Goshen - so these families were in the immediate Church area (my Gabriel Karns was a deacon, and lived about a mile on east of the Millers, on Manila Pike - the old Indian Road). They were forced to move north (1805, Dayton area, Montgomery Co OH) being forced off the Bounty Lands. Daniel was put into the ministry at the Obannon Church.
Philip Jacob bought 2 tracts of land from William Lytle - 2000 acres, at $1.10/acre (so they did have money - "a dollar was a days wage" - if you had money). It was north of Goshen, and straddled the Clermont/Warren County Line, reaching from Mordock to Cozadale. This land was divided among the 10 surviving children (daughter Sarah Nephong had died in Campbell Co Kentucky about the same time as Philip Jacob). This would have been near the north edge of the Obannon Church area.
Abraham (son, wife Catharine Maugans) lived just west of Loveland, possibly in the Little Miami River lands, or possibly a couple miles on west on Duck Creek (the Custer and Kessler families lived there). Several of Philip Jacob's daughters remained on the 2000 Acre lands, just north in Warren Co: Esther (wife of Gabriel Maugan); Christena (wife of Henry Snell); Mary (wife of John Cramer); and Hannah (wife of Arnold Snider, 2nd husband Samuel Shepley).
Besides Daniel (wife Elizabeth Ulrich) and David (wife Magdalina Maugans), Elizabeth (wife of Jacob Sheets; Susannah (wife of Daniel Ulrich) and Magdalena (wife of Daniel Cripe) moved to Montgomery County. Susannah and Magdalena families then moved on from Montgomery County Ohio to Elkhart County Indiana about 1830 (the Daniel Cripe farm is the site of Goshen College, Goshen Indiana).
-- Thanks to Merle C. Rummel, March 2010
Philip Jacob Miller Estate InventoryPersuant to an Order of Campbell County Court. We the undersigned after being sworn appraised the Personal Estate of Philip Jacob Miller Deceased as will appear from the articles contained in the following Inventory the value of each respective article being placed opposite to it -
£ S D
One old Waggon
10 0 0
One old Bay Mare and Colt
15 0 0
One young Ditto
15 0 0
One gray stud
24 0 0
One Red Cow and Calf
4 10 0
One young Cow with a white Back
3 0 0
One young yearling heifer with a white face
0 18 0
One Full Box of Glafs
4 10 0
One Box part of the Glass taken out
3 0 0
One Large Copper Kettle
4 0 0
One side Saddle with two girths
4 10 0
Twenty Harrow teeth somewhat worn
2 0 0
One still plate Mill saw
3 0 0
One smoothe Bore gun
2 0 0
Two Hackles
3 0 0
One Jack screw
1 16 0
One Iron Kettle
1 4 0
One pair of Saddle Bags
0 12 0
One small Log Chain
0 10 0
One pair of Breast chains
0 6 0
Two Leather Collars
0 11 0
One old set of Breeching
0 6 0
Irons for a Cutting Box and sundrey little Irons
0 9 0
One new bell
0 6 0
Four old bells
0 9 0
Two Dung forks, Forks and one Pitch fork
0 8 0
One Iron Pann
0 3 0
One pair of Scales with Leaden weights also old tin watering pan
0 14 0
Eight Table Knives and Forks
0 6 0
One Mans Saddle
2 2 0
Two pair of Iron braces with old back bands and bridles
1 7 0
One Small Copper Tea Kettle
0 12 0
Four augers and Sundry other little articles
0 14 0
One old Broken Iron Skillet with sundrey little things
0 3 0
Three augres, one drawing knife, one pocket looking glass &,c
0 12 0
One axe one adds and Three Hatchets
1 1 0
One hoe, one Shovel
0 5 0
Two shovels and one grubing Hoe
0 9 0
Two Mall rings and one Wedge
0 6 0
One Coffey Mill
0 6 0
One steel and two saw Mill files
0 4 6
One piece of Steel, 39 lbs of Iron and a pair of steel yards
1 10 0
One Shovel plough
0 12 0
Two Reddles and old half Bush, the Reddles made of spilets
0 3 0
One pair of hand Mill Stones, also a Grind Stone
0 12 0
Six Pewter plates, two dishes and two basins
1 14 0
One small Iron pot, some tin and wooden ware
0 9 0
One bake oven, one frying pann, some pewper delphware
3 0 0
Five low bags
0 10 0
One Flax wheel and Sifter
0 12 0
One large Bible and sundrey other Books
4 10 0
One slege
0 6 0
One bed and furniture
2 8 0
Two Old Trunks
0 9 0
£ 131 4 6
Washington Berry
Rees Gaddis
George Macklin
Campbell September Court 1799
This inventory and appraisment was presented to Court and ordered to be recorded and is recorded.
Teste James Taylor C.C.C.-- Thanks to Dale Landon, March 2010
The following information is from the Brethren Rootsweb, March 2010:
Campbell County Kentucky Tax Lists taken 16 Aug 1796 Philip Jacob Miller 1 over 21 1 horse 1 cattle taken 28 Aug 1797 Philip Jacob Miller 1 over 21 3 horses taken 28 Aug 1797 Daniel Cripe 1 over 21 2 horses taken 25 Aug 1797 Arnold Snider 1 over 21 2 horses 1798 Daniel Cripe 1 over 21 2 horses 1798 Philip Jacob Miller 1 over 21 3 horses 1798 Arnold Snyder 1 over 21 2 horses 1799 David Miller 1 over 21 1799 Arnold Snider 1 over 21 2 horses taken 28 Aug 1800 Philip Miller 1 over 21 taken 9 Aug 1800 Stephen Miller 1 over 21 1 horse taken 23 May 1800 Arnold Snider 1 over 21 3 horses-- Thanks to Dale Landon, March 2010
Debts of the estate of Jacob Miller deceased in account with David and Abraham Miller administrators
£ S D
To paid one pound eight shillings and six pence for whiskey and appraising the Estate of Jacob Miller deceased as pr Receipt
1 8 6
Paid taxes for the year 1798 as pr Receipt
Paid Reece Gaddis for his service as appraiser as pr Re 3/9
3 9
Paid Archibald Brown for securing the appraisers as pr Receipt of the Estate of Jacob Miller 4/6
4 6
Paid Washington Berry for services &c as pr Rec't 9/6
9 6
Paid Rich d Southgate in fees L 9.0.0 for services as pr Receipt
9 0 0
Paid John Ramsey 1.10.0 as pr Receipt
1 10 -
Paid The Simonton £ 1.10.0 as pr Rec't
1 10 -
Paid John Daniel L 1.16.0 as pr Rec't
1 16 -
Paid James Montgomery 6/0 as pr Recep't
0 6 -
Paid Magdalen Miller £ 42.5 as pr Rep't
42 5 -
Paid Magdalen Miller £ 7.10 as pr Rep't
7 10 -
Paid Cash to the am't of 3.3 for necefsaries during the illnefs of Magdalen Miller widow of Jacob Miller
Dec'd which illnefs carried her off.
3 3 -
Paid do for said Magdalen funeral expences to the am't of 10/0
- 10 -
Paid cash to the widow January 1800 15/
15 - 15
Paid cash the widow at sundry times and omitted above
4 16 -
Paid Nicholas Rochester 5.7.6 for collecting $ 699 2/100
To cervives rendered to the businefs or rather the estate
5 7 6
of Jacob Miller Dec'd by David Miller as pr ac't rec't
17 9 1
Do as pr acct rendered by Abraham Miller
26 11 -
Paid Rich'd Southgate £ 3.0.0 as pr rep't
3 0 0
Paid James Taylor L 1.5.0 as pr Rep't
1 5 0
Paid David Perry 1.11.6 as pr proven acct
1 11 6
To £ 4.4 for services rend'd in settling the estate of the Dec'd on pr act rendered
4 4
To £ 3.3.0 as pr act rend'd by A Miller
3 3
To pd clerk campbell for dec'd appg
2 7
Commifsioners fees pd
1 1
To £ 12.19.2 pd ? Henry as pr acct proven
12 19 2
By amt of the sales of the personal Estate of Jacob Miller deceased which came to the hands of the admn_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _£ 193.16.6
193 16 6
By £ 494.16.9 which was received on the Bond of Tho.s Hart due the estate of the deceased
494 16 9
By £ 36.15 received of Henry & John sh Schnbly which is due the estate of the dec'd
36 15
By £ 46.16 due the estate of the deceased as pr note on Henry Small
46 16
By £ 18.00.0 received of Daniel Maggan and belonging to the estate of the dec_ _ _ _
By £ 15.00 received from William Anderson upon a note due to the estate of the dec'd
By £ 10.2.6 received which was due the estate from Daniel Cripe
10 2 6
By £ 10.5.6 received which was due the estate from Arnold Snider
10 5 6
By £ 2.8.0 rec'd which was due the estate from Jacob Shoots
2 8
By £ 34.5.6 rec'd from John Gremar which was due the estate
34 5 6
By £ 209.14 which was due from Doctor Schnebly to the estate
209 14
1088 8 6 3/4
153 7 1
£ 937 1 5 3/4
46 15 0 3/4
Allowance on actual receipts to the adm's
made by the court due the estate of the dec'd.
£ 888 6 5
Campbell County to wit
Agreeable to an order of the Court of
Campbell County we the undersigned being appointed
commifsioner to examin and settle with the administrators of Philip Jacob Miller dec.'d as to the personal estate of the deceased and do report to the court of Campbell County that the above is a true statement given under our hands this 19th day of Sep'r 1808
James Noble
George Porter
Written on the right edge of the page.
Campbell September Court 1808
This Report of the commifsioners appointed to settle with the Administrators of Philip J. Miller
dec'd was returned to Court and ordered to be recorded and is recorded
Test James Taylor clk
Posted to Brethren-list by Dale Landon on March 11, 2010
Children of Philip Jacob Miller and Magdalena Rochette
(quotes are transcribed from the Bible of Philip Jacob Miller):
D4 David Miller. "My son david was born december 1, 1757 at 3o'clock at night.The zodiac sign was the Lion (leo)."
D5 Susannah Miller. "My daughter Susannah was born march 2, 1759 at 7 o'clock in the morning. The sign was the Bull (Taurus)."
D6 Christena Miller. "My daughter Christina was born December 4, 1761 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. The sign was the Fish (Piscus)."
D7 Mary Miller. "My daughter Mariles was born----------1762 at 8 o'clock in the morning. The sign was the Virgin (Virgo)."
D8 Abraham Miller. "My son Abraham was born April 28, 1764."
D9 Solomon Miller. "My son Solomon was born march 20, 1767."
D10 Esther Miller. "My daughter Ester was born February 13, 1769."
D11 Magdelena Miller, born May 24, 1770 Frederick County, Maryland, died May 25, 1842 Elkhart County, Indiana.
D12 Sarah Miller, born ca. 1772 (?), died ca. 1799 in Campbell County, Kentucky.
D13 Hannah Miller, born June 7, 1774 Frederick County, Maryland, died August 22, 1840 Warren County, Ohio.
The Miller Family Tree is a collection of information gathered over the past 50+ years by: Karleen & Tom Miller of Morrisville Pennsylvania, and Gale Honeyman of the Brethren Heritage Center. This html version was created & is currently maintained by Eric Davis. Tree Outline of Miller Generations |