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There seem to be three separate Horine Lines that immigrated to America in the eighteenth century. For the benefit of the many Horine researchers that have accessed this page, I will summarize these three lines with the hope of distinguishing the line you may be associated with. These are listed in chronological order of immigration.
Line I: Johann Tobias Horine (1725-1773)
Jacob married ca. 1780 Barbara Swartz (ca. 1759-1804). In 1795, They migrated west to Mercer County, Kentucky. In 1798 they established a new home in Knobb Creek, Bullitt County, Kentucky, where Jacob died. In the nineteenth century descendants of Jacob Horine, one of whom was Emmett F. Horine, M.D., migrated to Monroe County, Illinois, and later to Missouri.
Special Note: While this page is primarily devoted to the descendants of Johann Tobias Horine, I would welcome the family histories of these other Horine lines. To that end, please consider sending me your histories, preferably in electronic form on disk or as an e-mail attachment. I could then format them for Web publication, and link them to this page wherever appropriate. I've received so many Horine family reference requests, that I believe it is time to broaden the scope of this page to include data on as many Horine lines as I can document.
Descendants of Johann Tobias Horine
My Horine Family has a long and interesting history. This German family immigrated very early (1749), and for the next century lived the pioneer life in Western Maryland and Ohio.
My Grandfather Harrison Leonard Horine (b. 30 January, 1889, d. 25 July, 1953) was a veteran of World War I. He married Mary Mabel Miller (b. 18 February, 1891, d. 12 November, 1976) on October 15, 1922. Their only child, my mother, Rosella Lee Horine was born on February 3, 1925.
The family homestead of my Great Grandfather Joseph Newton Horine (b. 18 December, 1859, d. 29 November 1906) and Mary Ellen Hemp (b. 8 April, 1863, d. 15 July, 1933) was a solid white frame house west of Castine, Ohio. Joseph Newton Horine was the son of George Tobias Horine (b. 15 February, 1830 in Frederick County, Maryland - d. 2 January, 1895 at his home in West Manchester, Ohio) and Eliza STOUT (b. 26 January, 1836, d. 15 May, 1903), whose marriage was blessed with a family of five sons. Eliza was the daughter of Jacob Stout and Catherine MECKLEY of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. George and Eliza farmed Jacob Horine's land in Butler Township when first married, but after several years they purchased land in Section 28 and built a brick home and other out buildings. George was also active in the United Brethren Church leadership and for a period of time entered the mercantile business with two of his sons.
George Tobias Horine was a son of Jacob Horine and Elizabeth DUTRO, who brought their family by covered wagon to Darke County, Ohio, in 1836, settling in lot 27, Butler township. Samuel Solomon Horine described this journey from Maryland to Ohio in a 1906 letter to his cousin Mrs. Mary Dutro:
Family lore holds that Jacob's grandfather Johann Tobias Horine, who came to the New World in Colonial days was the first white person to cross the mountains to Middletown Valley in Maryland. He purchased land there for at the time of King George for 3 cents an acre and raised a large family. One story that has been passed along in the Horine family vividly describes Johann's first encounter with Native Americans:Home-no-moreIn Grandfather's Mother's [Elizabeth Poussert ?] Child-hood Home. A few short weeks came and went. The old home with it's halo was lost sight of. The [Middletown] valley with its somber sheen could not be seen. Myersville [Maryland], a nice little village in the back ground of our home, the rocks and hills medows and mountain strems by faith only could be seen. The few short weeks are over. Two fine horses, one a bay, the other a gray, was hitched to a new two horse wagon, in it was put some beding, some house fixtures, some provisions to last a few meals. Father, Mother, Grand Father George Dutro Sen., George, myself and Lewis - brothers six of us got in the wagon. This was a beautiful September morning eighteen hundred and thirty six 1836. Germantown, Montgomery County Ohio was our destination. Reuben Dutro lived near her[e].
Johann Horine settled near Beallsville, now Harmony one mile east of Myersville, and about three miles north of Middletown, about the year 1738 [sic]. He found an open grass plot which he cut and dried, and built a stack of hay or mound of it, with a little house or den under it, where he, his wife and little child crept to spend the night. The valley was then full of Indians and some of them found the stack of hay and danced their War Dance around it that night. He and his wife were terribly frightened for they feared that the little child might cry or make a noise that would betray them to the hostile reds. But the hay house proved a complete deception to the Indians who never suspected that there were white people beneath it. The next morning they returned to the colony at Frederick and returned later and established a permanent home. During the [French and] Indian War he was compelled to leave his home and take refuge in Frederick. He conducted a distillery for a good many years and one of the old buildings still stands.In another Horine manuscript is found the following:
In his Will in 1773 he [Johann] directs that his daughters shall go to a German School and the sons to English schools. He also directs to be buried in the old Jerusalem Cemetery known by county records as the Dutch Presbyterian Church. They were quite successful financially, business tact, refined and intelligent fine type of American people, with the exception that they were confirmed infidels. He appointed his sons to be executors, also being young and under age he names his close and business friend, Michael Trotman, who was the representative of Phillip Rodenpeller who gave ten acres of land in 1774 called the Dutch Presbyterian Church. Michael was to represent the Evangelical Luthern Church.The Horines came to the colonies of the New World from Germany. Family lore holds that the name Horine means high over the Rhine, a reference perhaps to the geographical location of the Horine homestead. The earliest known ancestors are Jerg (Georg) Horein (ca. 1531-1579) and his wife Brigitta (1531-1611) of the village of Grantschein, near Heilbronn. The line of Horines (spelled variously Hohrein, Hohrain, Hoherrain, Horein, or Horein) is recorded in parish records over the Wurttemburg province. Most were peasants of the land.
The Horine and other German background families of the Brethren Church were loving, close knit families. Joseph Newton and Mary Ellen Horine had 6 children. Their progeny are many, and the descendants now are appreciative of the fine pioneering heritage they left to us.
Author of this page: | Eric Davis |
Horine Genealogists: | Karen Montgomery |
John D. Barrett | |
Cindy Kimes | |
James Dunn | |
Other Horine Web Pages: |
Descendants of the immigrant Christian Horein (1790-1870) (Wurttemburg, Germany/Tuscarawas County, Ohio/St. Joseph County, Indiana) |
Descendants of George Horine of Bermonsey, Southwark, England
(immigrant: William Henry Horine: 1857-1904; London, Philadelphia, Egan, SD) |
The Horine Family History is a compilation of information gathered over the past 60+ years by Mr. Paul G. Horine, Darla (Horine) Jones, John David Barrett, Eric T. Davis, Karen Montgomery, and many other contributors.
Tree Outline of Horine Generations