Hayden William Huffman (1938- )
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McMillen Ancestral Line: < A1 Thomas Jefferson McMillen | B1 Spencer L. McMillen | C7 Allie M. McMillen | D1 Hayden MacMillan Huffman

Hayden William Huffman, Grace McMillen & Betty Jo Huffman
Lakeshore Yacht Club, Oneida Lake, 1954
Hayden William Huffman
age 4
E1 Hayden William Huffman, born November 27, 1938 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is living in Marana, AZ, just outside of Tucson.

Children of Hayden William Huffman:

The McMillen Family History is a project of Carol M. Gillespie, D.D.S.
You can contact Carol at: CGillespi2@aol.com.
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