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Oscar Black & Margaret Mae McClanahan
ca. 1916 |
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Margaret, Besse, Edna Lee McClanahan
ca. 1906 |
WEDDINGBeautiful engraved announcements were sent to the many friends of Miss Margaret McClanahan, this (Thursday morning) announcing her marriage to Mr. Robert Black, at the residence of Mrs. McClanahan on North street on Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. R.L. King. The bride handsomely gowned in white net over pink silk and groom in suit of dark blue, stood under a huge white wedding bell. The attendants were Miss Eva Sutterfield in maize georgette crepe and Mr. Lewis Vance. After congratulations were offered the guests were taken to the dining room and a delicious luncheon was served. The color scheme pink and white was preserved throughout all the arrangements. The dining room was wreathed in ropes of pink and white with bouquets of pink and white roses and place cards to match. Those present on the happy occasion were Mrs. Black, Mrs. McClanahan, Mr. and Mrs. R.P. McClanahan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McClanahan and daughter, Lucille, Mr. and Mrs. John McClanahan, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sutterfield, Misses Eva Sutterfield and Susie Shoemaker and Mr. Lewis Vance and Rev. R.L. King. They left this morning, amid a shower of rice and old shoes, for Mammoth Cave and other places of interest. The community at large will feel the loss of Miss Margaret, keenly as she has been one of the social and religious bulwarks on the town. Bright and capable and always ready to answer the call of duty. More especially will the Presbyterians feel her loss as she has been their Church organist for some time. Mr. Black is a graduate of the West Union High School and a successful young farmer on Brush Creek. He is to be congratulated and their host of friends join in very best wishes for their future happiness and success.
Of Popular Young Couple at Brides Home, Wednesday Night
Mr. Robert Black and Miss Margaret McClanahan Plight Their Troth in Presence of Intimate Friends
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Margaret (left) & Besse McClanahan |
RESOLUTION OF RESPECTWhereas, in view of he loss of our friend and associate Mrs. Margaret Black, and the still heavier loss sustained by those who were nearest and dearest to her. Therefore be it Resolved, by the Jolly Kensington Club that it is but a just tribute to the memory of the departed, to say that in regretting her removal from our midst we mourn for one who was in every way worthy of our respect and regard. Resolved, That we sincerely condole, deceased on the dispensation with which it has pleased Divine Providence to afflict them, and commend them for consolation to Him, who orders all things for the best, and whose chastisements are meant in mercy. Resolved, That a copy of this heartfelt testimonial of our sympathy and sorrow be spread upon our minutes; a copy be given the husband and a copy published in our county papers.Jolly Kensington Club.
The Adams County News
West Union, Ohio
Tuesday February 10, 1970
Page 8Robert O. BlackCremation rites were held February 6 in Cincinnati for Robert O. Black, 75, a former Adams County resident. The Cincinnati man died Thursday night at Good Samaritan Hospital there. Mr. Black was a member of the Masonic Lodge and served as Adams County Clerk of Courts from 1926 to 1930. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nola Black, two sons, Stanley, Chicago, and Jerrod, Cincinnati, four daughters, Mrs. Burscyl Botts, Lima, Mrs. Gavonna Carper, Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Judy John, Cincinnati, and Mrs. Sandra Orr, Hubbard, 12 grandchildren and three grandchildren. Local arrangements were under direction of Lafferty Funeral Home in West Union.
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Margaret Mae McClanahan (frames 1, 2, & 5) having fun with her cousin F2 Besse Marie McClanahan (frames 3, 4 & 5) ca. 1910 |