Zercher Ancestral Line: < A1 Heinrich Zercher | B1 Johannes Zercher | C5 Jacob Zercher | D5 William Bearce Zercher | E5 Stanley Zercher |
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The Daily Times Herald
Dallas, Texas
Sunday, June 23, 1935
pg. 1THREE KILLED IN PIKE CRASH DALLAS GIRLS AND YOUTH DIE IN COLLISION Girl on Way to Visit Cadet at Mineral Wells Camp and Two Companions Killed; Two Others Critically Injured.A Dallas boy and two girls were killed and two other persons were injured critically Saturday night when their Mineral Wells-bound auto crashed head-on into a truck on the Bankhead Highway 13 miles west of Fort Worth. The dead are:
WILLIAM A. (PAT) CALLAHAN, 20, 2518 Meyers street. MISS MARIGENE SLAGEL, 18, 514 North Glasgow Drive. MISS MARIAN ZERCHER, 20, 2503 Cambria Boulevard. Injured are:
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Osbourne, 4725 East Side avenue. Miss Slagle apparently was killed instantly while Callahan lived three hours. Miss Zercher sustained a fractured skull and other injuries, and died at 12:30 a.m. at Baptist Hospital in Fort Worth. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zercher, and the granddaughter of Former Tax Collector and Mrs. John H. Cullom. Miss Osbourne, her aunt, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Collom.
On Way to Camp.
The party was en route to Mineral Wells to visit John Zercher, Miss Zercher's brother, at Camp Dallas. Young Callahan, her escort, was driving the car. They were taking Miss Slagle, young Zercher's friend, to see him at the R. O. T. C. camp. Mr. and Mrs. Osbourne were chaperones. Miss Slagle was to have graduated at Woodrow Wilson High School next January. She was the daughter of Mrs. W. H. McGowan, 514 North Glasgow Drive. Miss Zercher was a June graduate North Texas Agricultural College at Arlington, and had been doing her senior work in summer school at S. M. U. Young Callahan was graduated from Forest High School in January, 1934, and was employed by the Fligo Motor Co. Mrs. Osbourne insisted on calling her parents and relatives of Callahan before she would receive treatment at the Fort Worth Hospital. She collapsed at the telephone after making the calls. Her arm was fractured in four places and she received other injuries. Her husband received a broken arm, broken shoulder and other injuries. Collided With Truck
Callahan's car was traveling west on the Bankhead Highway, when a tourist's sedan, eastbound, passed an eastbound truck, according to witnesses. Callahan's car sideswiped the sedan and then crashed headon into the truck. Miss Slagle was dead when removed from the wreckage, but Callahan lived three hours. The bodies were taken in charge by a Fort Worth undertaker. Funeral arrangements were incomplete Sunday morning. Callahan is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred N. Callahan, 2518 Meyers street; two sisters, Frances and Una Margaret Callahan... [Continued on Page Six]
Tuesday, June 25, 1935CRASH VICTIM LAID TO REST MILITARY RITES HELD AT BURIAL FOR V. A. CALLAHANTaps were sounded and the rifle salute fired over the grave of Sergt. W. A. (Pat) Callahan, 20, of 2518 Meyers Street, killed in an auto mobile accident near Fort Worth Saturday night, when fellow National Guardsman Tuesday morning paid their last respects to a departed comrade at Restland Memorial Park. The military ceremonies followed burial services conducted by the Rev. W. Harrison Baker at Munger Place Methodist Church. Pallbearers were Sergts. H. T. Bennett, J. J. Jones and Alfred Isaacs, and Corporals James Vandergriff and Henry Putnam, all of Company H. Mr. Callahan, Miss Marian Zercher and Miss Marigene Slagel were killed while en route to Camp Dallas to attend the officers' dance. Miss Zercher and Miss Slagel were buried Monday. Surviving Mr. Callahan are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Callahan; two sisters, Misses Una and Frances Callahan, and two brothers, A. N. Callahan, and Jesse W. Callahan. He was a graduate of Forest Avenue High School, and was in the automobile business.
The Zercher Family History is a project of Carol M. Gillespie, D.D.S. You can contact Carol at: CGillespi2@aol.com. Please enter a Subject of Zercher Genealogy, to help us separate your message from spam. The html version was created by Eric Davis. |