Eric Braham Bell (1939-2022)
( record)

LINE: A1 William Bell | B2 John Bell | C2 William Bell | D1 William Stevenson Bell | E1 William Steven Bell | F8 James Hugh Bell | G3 James Ellis Bell

H2 Eric Braham Bell, born 02/19/1939, died February 20, 2022; married Teresa Cecilia McMahon on 12/30/1966.

To read an article on Eric Braham Bell, click here.

Eric Braham Bell (1939-2022)
Eric Braham Bell
Several of the splendid trees growing there today are the result of these guerilla conservation tactics. He was a keen hiker, and he and our mum were founding members of a local hiking group that had years of lively adventures in the hills and pubs of Cheshire, Wales and beyond.

Our father was a man of great integrity but he wasn’t stuffy or rigid and knew how to engage enthusiastically and enjoy the good things in life. He was clear and passionate about his research and teaching, but also knew how to keep his students’ attention, whether through the psychedelic paisley neckties that would peek out of his white lab-coat, or the comedy slides he snuck into his lectures. He loved art, music and culture, having begun his further education with a liberal arts degree at Oberlin College in the US. He was a dedicated handyman – builder of bunk-beds and cabinets, of dolls-houses and multi-story car-parks, a committed painter and wall-paperer, an all around Mr. Fixit, who never threw away a piece of wood that could come in useful one day. His twin passions for gardening and animals are manifest in the cat-shaped topiary still thriving in the back garden at 15 Winton Road. He was a passionate stamp collector, hiker, whisky-drinker, whistler, and card player. He was even clear and passionate about how best to stack the dishwasher.

Kind, funny, charming and fundamentally decent, our dad left a strong impression on those he met. Even in his later years when his health had started to decline, he would come out with a witty remark, a sharp observation or a peal of laughter and lighten the mood of our mum or his carers. He was an excellent role model as a father and as a grandfather to his eight grandchildren.

Our dad, Eric Bell, was a loving and beloved grandfather, father, husband, brother and son. He was a treasured colleague, friend and neighbor. He will be greatly missed, but the memories and wisdom he left us with remain. We are grateful to those who have come here today to remember him together.

--- I2 Kirsten Elizabeth Bell   

Children of Eric Braham Bell and Teresa Cecilia McMahon:

The William Bell Family Tree is a collection of information gathered by Eric & Liz Davis, Mary Eleanor Bell, and Alice Erma Bell.
This HTML version was iniated in 1998 by Eric and Elizabeth Fisher-Davis.
Tree outline of Bell Generations