Jacob Miller (1735-1815)

LINE: A1 Johann Michael (Mueller) Miller | B6 Johann Michael Miller, Jr.

C10 Jacob Miller, born 1735, Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Died 1815 Migrated first to Virginia, then to Ohio. He became an Elder. All his children were of the Brethren Church. His five sons were ministers. The descendence of Elder Jacob Miller, number in the thousands. Married (first wife) Mary Goodwin, died 1801. Married (second wife) Barbara Brower Lybrook, widow. He was ordained by William Stover, in the Anteitam congregation in 1762. About 1765 he moved his family to Bedford County, Viginia. In 1800 he moved his family to the Miami Valley, Ohio.

Twelve children:

The Miller Family Tree is a collection of information gathered over the past 50+ years by:
Karleen & Tom Miller of Morrisville Pennsylvania, and Gale Honeyman of the Brethren Heritage Center.
This html version was created & is currently maintained by Eric Davis.
Tree Outline of Miller Generations