The People's Defender
West Union, Ohio
Thursday, December 18, 1930
Page 1PROMINENT MAN DIES AT HOME AT LIBERTYJames A. McClanahan, one of the progressive farmers of Liberty township, passed away at his home, early Wednesday morning. While Mr. McClanahan had been in very poor health for a number of years and for the past several weeks had been seriously ill, yet his demise came as a shock to his relatives and friends. Mr. McClanahan's death marks the passing of the last of the family of James and Sophia Baldridge McClanahan. Of a family of seven children, born to this worthy couple, Mr. McClanahan was the youngest and the last surviving. The ancestry of this family deals directly with the early history of the county. General John McClanahan, great-grandfather of J.A. McClanahan, was probably the first to break away from the stockade at the settlement of Manchester and establish his home in Liberty township. The family has grown and established many branches, but Liberty township has remained their home. The subject of this sketch was born, grew to manhood, married, reared his family and passed away at his ancestral homestead. Mr. McClanahan was a member of the local Baptist church and was a regular attendant at the services as long as his health would permit. He was prominently identified with all enterprises for the uplifting of the community and gave liberally of his time and means to further civic advancement. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Addie McCarty McClanahan, and two sons, Pearl and Alfred, both of whom reside at Columbus. Funeral services will be held from the Liberty Chapel M.E. church, Friday afternoon at 1:30, conducted by the Rev. Frank Estep of the local Baptist church.
Death Brings Relief To Pioneer Resident Of This County
The People's Defender
West Union, Ohio
Thursday, January 1, 1931
Page 4ObituaryJames A. McClanahan, the youngest child of James and Sophia Baldridge McClanahan, was born at the McClanahan homestead in Liberty Twp., this county, April 16th 1860 and departed from this life at the home which he loved so well, on the same farm where he was born and where he had spent his entire life, Dec. 17, 1930, aged 70 years, 8 months and 1 day. He was the last surviving member of his immediate family, his father, mother, five sisters and one brother having preceded him in death. On May 31, 1888 he was united in marriage to Addie F. McCarty of near Brooksville, Bracken County, Ky. For forty two years they have walked life's pathway together and have shared the joys and sorrows of life. The wife together with two sons, Pearl B. and James Alfred both of Columbus, Ohio are left to mourn the loss of a devoted husband and a kind and loving father. Soon after his marriage he united with the Baptist church at Willow, Ky. Later he and his companion transferred their membership to the Baptist church at West Union, Ohio, where he has been a faithful member, having served at trustee and treasurer of the church until a few weeks ago, when his health failed to such an extent that it was impossible for him to continue, not only that but he practiced in his daily life what he professed. Living on the home farm which he loved so well, he never enjoyed life more than when he was caring for the needs of the farm or when in the home surrounded by his family, nephews, nieces and friends. Jim or Jimmy McClanahan, as he was so familiarly known to his friends, needs no eulogies; his life speaks for itself. A kind and helpful neighbor loyal to his friends, he was kindly and genial in his greetings, he was honorable and straight forward in his dealings with his fellow man so that he made lasting friends of every acquaintance and was universally loved by both young and old. he was vitally interested in the public welfare. Ever willing to give time and support that was for the benefit of his community. He was Secretary and Treasurer of the Cemetery Memorial and Improvement Association, always took an active part in the Decoration Day servicers and had been a member of the board of Directors of his County Fair for twenty years and had held other positions of trust in his County and Community. It may be truthfully said that he will be sadly missed in his home, church and community.
Card of ThanksWe wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the sympathies and assistance, during the sickness and death of our husband and father.Addie F. McClanahan and Sons
The People's Defender
West Union, Ohio
Thursday, June 23, 1938
Page 1 Mrs. Addie McClanahan, age 77, well known Liberty Township resident, passed away at the family home Monday morning near 6:30 o'clock following a lingering illness of several months. Mrs. McClanahan was a widow of the late James A. McClanahan, a well known Liberty township farmer for many years. She was active in the affairs of the West Union Baptist church and several other local organizations. She is survived by two sons, Alfred and Pearl, both of Columbus, who have been at the bedside of their mother for the past two weeks. Funeral services were conducted at the Liberty Chapel Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and interment made in the Kirker cemetery by funeral director DeLoss Know.
Children of James Alexander McClanahan and Addie F. McCarty:
![]() J. Alfred (left) & Pearl B. McClanahan |