Diary of a Civil War soldier in Company F
126th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
August 23, 1862 thru
August 3, 1863
author unknown
From the collection of Stanley Scott
Donated to Hancock County Museum, Findlay, Ohio 2004
Transcribed by Richard F. Mann
The 126th Ohio Volunteer Infantry (OVI) was organized September 4, 1862 under Colonel Benjamin F. Smith, it mover the same month to Parkersburg, West Virginia and then to Cumberland, Md. It guarded the Railroad during the winter, and in the spring of 1863 operated against guerillas in West Virginia. In June the regiment returned to the vicinity of Martinsburg and was severely pressed by the advance of Lee's army, but escaped to Harper's Ferry and afterwards moved to Washington City. It soon re-joined the Army of the Potomac and operated in Virginia under Grant. It took part in the battles of Snicker's Gap, Opequan, Fisher's Hill the Wilderness and Petersburg, and joined the pursuit of Lee until the surrender. The Regiment was mustered out June 25, 1865, and lost during its term of service over 500 men in battle.
This diary was written by a soldier in Company F, 126th OVI. Company F was recruited in Augusta, Carrol County, Ohio. The identity of this soldier is unknown, but he does reference many members of Co F in his writings. These names are shown with a * and a brief bio can be found on the last page. Most prisoners of war were exchanged and he might have returned to his Regiment later on in 1863. He served as Provost Marshall in January thru May 1863, this accounts for his rather long listing of rebel prisoners.
I hope that you enjoy reading this and will see the trials and tribulations faced by the Civil War soldiers.
No attempt has been made to change or correct his spelling. I did indicate several correct spellings with a ( ). Words unreadable are shown as ____
Harsh, Ashbrook, Reede, Hall, Andrews, Gibson, Ferl
S.F. Meredeth Winchester 23 ___
One sorel horse with white blaze in forehed
_______ 346
Samuel J. Parks No 7 McHenry St, Baltimore, Maryland
David M. Boltz
S. Galeher
Union Badge
John W. Everett
P.O. Box 1614 or 1116
Fulton Street New York
Augusta Tuesday Aug 26th 1862
Left Augusta 10 oclock arrived at Carrolton at 5 oclock out up at Baty Hous herd Col Eckley*speake at Court Hous
Wed the 27th
Left Carrolton for camp at 8oclcok arrived at Levitsvill at 12 oclock at 12 oclock eat dinner left Levitsvill at 1 ½ oclock for Bowersville arrived Bowersvill at 2 oclock Took the cars at 3-40 for Mingo arrived at Mingo 6 in the evening turned in for the night
Thursday 28
Nothing transpired of any importance to day
Friday 29
A company arrived from Camp Dennison Ohio
Saturday 30
Some drill don nothing of noat
Sunday 31
Went to church herd good sermon
Monday 1st September
Nothing of importance
Tuesday 2
Nothing to day
Wednesday 3
Was examined by McCook all passed examination but six
Thursday 4
Visitors came from Augusta Seth Ball Hen Warthey and others was mustered in to service by Capton Drake of the regular army
Friday 5
Received arms and part of clothing
Saturday 6
Received 25 dollar county bounty from Wash Butlar
Sunday 7th
Tended church
Monday 8
Had dress parade
Tuesday 10
Received 27 dollars state bounty
Wednesday 11
Drill and dress parade my wife came
Friday 13
Pased off as usual Joseph Basky & lady came to camp
Saturday 14
Roash & my self & ladies went to town put up at us hous
Monday 15
Nothing of importance
Tuesday 16
Nothing to day
Wednesday 17
Wife went home went to Steubenville with them received marching orders
Thursday 18
Leaft this morning at 10 oclock crossed the river at Ben wood went to Grafton took Parkersburg branch for Parkersburg arrived at Parkersburg
Friday 19
2 Oclock PM found good quarters all bisey fixing up feared of an attack got 40 rounds cartridges
Saturday 20
All bisey riting home no drill not dress parade
Sunday 21
Went to church got orders to lay on our arms an atact expected slept on arms
Monday 22
All is quiet
Tuesday 23
All is quiet
Wednesday 24
A battery of artillery arrived here this afternoon
Thursday 25
Maid new bunks
Friday 26
All busey fixing barracks
Saturday 27
Our company was ordered out on a scout left for Elisabeth at ___ 10 oclock PM stood picket on the bridge took 4 prisoners and 3 horses Mockason Rangers noted horse theves
Sunday 27
Started home at 10 oclock get home in the evening all rite took prisoners to jail
Monday 28
Exempted from drill to day all resting
Tuesday 29
Drew our cloaths all but shoes and caps
Wednesday 30
Boxing up our cloaths and sending them home drew shoes to day
Thursday October 1, 1862
Went out on battalion drill in the grove for the first time Virginia scouts brought in 2 prisoners and 17 horses
Friday 2
All passed quiet to day as usual New Curbel Colonel) Curnel Smith*had battalion drill commanded by Smith
Saturday 4
Millroy arrived with part of his command had a fine rane and drill
Sunday 5
Grand inspection General Millroy (Milroy)*Brig a long with Smith
Monday 6th
Went to a funeral of one of 1st Virginia burral in the honor of was our band was present
Tuesday 7
Sultar came to day very warm
Wednesday 8th
Received 13 dollars of pay scouts came in with prisoners & horses then was 60 ordered to reinforce the ones left I went 33 miles was drawn up in line 2 culled hogs & sheepe took some prisoners on Mon
Thursday 9
Started for camp by the way of Big Logon left Big Logon came down Slate got where Slate entered into Kanamir 19 miles from camp rained all after noon arrived in camp at 10 oclock at night very tired
Friday 10
Rested all day
Saturday 11
Coole & cloudy we went to town
Sunday 12
Meeting in grove
Monday 13
166 men came from Steubenville Lieutenant Curnel came to
Tuesday 14
New companies drew there cloathing and are fixing there barracks
Wednesday 15
Drew our caps the full regiment went out on ______
Thursday 16
Nothing of importance cloudy raned in evening
Friday 17
Nothing happened to day
Saturday 18
Warm Millroys men in town have muteny six of our men detailed to help put them down
Get in bad scrape or ______- see men socked down get through scrape
Sunday 19
Meeting in the grove three regiments passed to day get marching orders in the after noon
Monday 20
Got up and had breakfast at 4 oclock started at 8 and a half oclock for Cumberland arrived at Grafton at dusk arrived at Cumberland on
Tuesday 21st
In the morning at day light pitched our tent above town hav a nice view of the town and Mountains
Wednesday 22
We drill to day cold and cloudy hav nothing to eat but what we by
Thursday 23
Took down our tents and put up sibley tents had our others bowered got stoves in tents
Friday 24
Nothing unusual to day warm and plesant
Saturday 25
Sixth Virginia Battery drill on our ground went to town to wash in river
Sunday 26
Went to town to Catholic church got dinner a barne hous raned very hard
Monday 27
Warm & pleasant
Tuesday 28
Nothing of importance
Wednesday 29
Saw Elmer Riley
Thursday 30
All quiet to day
October 31st Friday
Grand inspections of arms to day
Saturday November 1,1862
Nothing of importance
Sunday 2
Went to church Methodist
Monday 3
Raned all night cold and windy drew batum of overcoats & gum blankets
Tuesday 4
Nothing to day
Wednesday 5
Warm and pleasant drew our dress coats
Friday 7
Snowing some so battalion had mush for supper was first rate Saw Thompson from Minsoville
Saturday 8
Still snowing & cold so drill any kind
Sunday 9
Snow going off went to church
Friday 14
This weake has beene warm to day there is extry drill and inspections an English Capton is here
Saturday 15
Some extry drill and inspection to day is very warm
Sunday 16
Cool & cloudy had inspection of arms at 9 oclock could not pass out to church by order of Cornal
Monday 17
Raning no drill went to town saw some prisoners
Tuesday 19
Still raning a rebil capton gave himself up to General Alley at Cumberland
Friday 21
Nothing of importance to day
Saturday 22
All was out on picket at water St on railroad
Tuesday 25
Gard taken of to day all well pleased
Wednesday 26
Had football instead of Battalion
Thursday 27
Fast day regiment went to town to church flags was presented
Saturday 29
Snowing all day First Virginia regiment came in but soon left for South Mountain
Sunday 30
General inspection to day of everything
Thursday December 4
Grand review of this regiment 2nd Marylan, 1st Virginia 6th Virginia Battery
Friday 5
Snowing set up with Arthur Ball for 12 oclock until morning at hospital
Saturday 6
Had snow storm this morning no drill ___ dress parade Thomas Ball arrived here this evening
Sunday 7
Cold and stormy I went to funeral 6 New Yorker ___ Co F ___ regiment
Monday 8
Arthur Ball died this morning at 3 ½ oclock AM went home at 6 oclock our company went to the station with the hers
Tuesday 9
Ithamer Mills*sent to the hospital very sick
Thursday 11
Henderson Ball*sick helped him to the hospital
Friday 12
Got orders for marching this morning 10 oclock packed up all things and wated till 11 oclock PM formed battalion in the dark and marched to the cars wated there till 1 oclock AM started for Berkley Co, Va got word from home that child was sick
Saturday 13
Arrived this morning at South Mountain at daylight packed our things a mile piched our tents in the woods on railroad 25 Mich from Harpers Ferry The 1st Virginia regiment 6th Virginia Battery and a Maryland Bn and two companies of Cavalry it is pleasant wether very tired will turn in soon
Sunday 14
Warm day cavalry brought in a rebil at 12 oclock There was 256 New York Cavalry came exciting time word came pickets captured pickets doubled
Monday 13
Warm and fare nothing happened of any importance Hevy cannonading herd in the distance
Tuesday 16
Coole and cloudy Cavalry and artillery came back two prisoners brought in roat letter to wife
Wednesday 17
Was detailed to put up telegraph posts started from camp at seven in the morning and got to place of destination 9 oclock in evening at Martinsburg very nice place of 8000 inhabeinites prepared that night for an attack
Thursday 18
___ last night I eat breakfast a the Dubs hous went down to the railroad herd hevy cannonading in direction of Winchester eate dinner at a womans hous her man in rebil army
Friday 19
Nothing happened to day cool and cloudy
Saturday 20
Very cool sitisan say coldest day they had for seven yrs nothing happened to day
Sunday 21
Nothing happened to day cold and cloudy
Monday 22
Got orders to report this morning at 6 oclock AM to hed quarters for a scout to Black Creake the order was countermanded and at 8 oclock got orders to march to Martinsburg we struck tents at 2 oclock PM arrived at Martinsburg at 7 oclock slep on ground
Tuesday 23
Struck tents this morning and moved to northside of the town put up tents we got orders to prepare two days rations started at 5 oclock walked 10 miles down the railroad staid at a rebil hous six miles from Antietam
Wednesday 24
5 oclock eate breakfast and started was in a fort Jackson bilt- seene the fortifications at Harpers Ferry
Thursday 25
Got up this morning at 5 oclock eat breakfast went out and got some provisions & started for Harpers ferry arrived at leven a clock and five minuets got dinner and went down to town saw where the 32 regiment surrendered saw the hous John Brown maid the raid on
Friday 26
Started for camp at 2 oclock and marched 15 miles rebels tried to attract us I went down the road as a spy Capton shot at X Carnesville S.J. me and hit David Turnipseed*started from there to camp at camp 12 oclock at night
Friday 26
Nothing of any importance to day
Saturday 27
Nothing of any importance to day Curnal Smith cam to day General Kelley*arrived fired a salute
Sunday 28
Nothing to day
Monday 29
Went to picket took up 6 men who tried to pass with out furlows took to provost marshals
Tuesday 30
Came off gard camp to camp we herd that Stuarts Cavalry was marching on the place got redy for an atact
Wednesday 31
Cold nothing of any importance had monthly inspections so closes the old year
Thursday January 1, 1863
Went to town saw the hous where the rebil Fornkner lived in he is the rebil corntioner to frame saw the 106th New York how grand parade in town got a letter from my wife and one from Charles Jackson all well bold & ___
Friday 2
Warm and fare Hevy cannonading in the direction of Harpers Ferry suppose fiting firing herd towards pickets to right had company drill touce a day and dress parade at night eat good supper
Saturday 3
Warm and fair detailed on duty fatig duty was down to town unloading cars sent a letter to my wife herd report of a batel at Tonny our boys lost nine and som wounded well and harty feel good
Sunday January 4, 1863
This is a nice day till two oclock when it commenced raining had a big walk sav place where the fight was at Union Hill and saw the Martinsburg sentry saw the hous of Judge Fornkner and the grave of General Boid the flower of the Virginia constitution
Monday 5
Warm and fine stood gard quarter gard nothing happened in camp to day finished railroad to day at five oclock P.M. To locomotive passed through to Harpers Ferry big fier in town at boarding car took fier mad a big fier
Tuesday 6
Morning warm and cloudy commenced raining at noon cold rain nothing to day of any importance roat a letter to James Serman and to my wife dated January 3,4,5,6 had camp drill went to hospital to see Robert Walton*and the rest of the sick boys
Wednesday January 7, 1863
Nice and fare coald winds had a big drill twice a day and dress parade the New York Cavalry brought in some prisoners from Winchester very hard looking cusses some of them had uniform and some had non was all dirty and lousey had very bad shoes
Thursday 8
Cool and cloudy standing picket north easte of town on Harpers Ferry road Samuel Turnipseed*stood with me it commenced snowing at a leven oclock A.M. snowed till 2 PM very cold nothing happened of any importance snow in the night snow two inches
Friday 9
Started from picket post at 9 oclock A.M. arrived at camp and found James Stuller* there got a letter from my wife with 3 dolars in all was well I roat a letter to wife dated 7th,8th,9th of this month word came that Muligan captured seven hundred prisoners will be up ___
Saturday January 10.,1863
Got up this morning and find it snowing was down at town was detailed to unload cars loaded with comeseries stores it snowed till noon when it commenced to rain rained till eight oclock at night when it cleared up and got coald nothing happened to day of any importance all is quiet on the Potomack (Potomac) got a letter from wife dated Jan 7th
Sunday 11
Cold and cloudy to day nothing happened of any commenced to rain and rained all day wether very changeable nothing happened of any importance all the boys getting along well so fiting going on and ways heare roat a letter to Lucy dated on the 10th.
Monday 12
This morning warm & pleasant was on patrole guarding prisoners who was taken up a bove Winchester was sevin in all they started for by the 126th boys got a ring from one of the boys staid all night in town
Tuesday January 13, 1863
All rite to day very mudy drilled twice to day had dress parade helped to take Alanzo Deford*to the hospital very sick helped take George Manfull* he had the measles roat a letter to wife all quiet to day things passed off as usual
Wednesday 14
Very dull to day and mudy drilled this fore noon was detailed to clerk for Provost Marshall went on my duties at noon received a letter from wife all rite at home herd cannon adding in distance all quiet to right
Thursday 15
Cloudy and dull worked in Provost office acting orderly took prisoners to gard hous who was reported a deserter from our army also Leutinant General Askbys bodygard was a funeral in town ___ 110th roat a letter to wife all ___ quiet to day very mudy looks like rain
Friday January 16,1863
All quiet to day raining and very muddy arrested a sitison and bought him in took a set of chairs from a nother sitison went and found hous for hospital brought in 9 prisoners from Winchester issued rations to them this morning
Saturday 17
All nice to day got word of fiting at Winchester had to summon the council and send for 2 rebils on the Winchester Road brought them in about 12 oclock at night got a letter from my wife. All rite nice wether froze hard
Sunday 18
Very fine day all quiet more prisoners brought in to day was one of the 120 boys was buried one rebil letter curier taken up to day 5 letters found on his person rote a letter to wife dated 17th
Monday January 19,1863
All quiet to day very fine wether still in provost office roat a letter to wife bought candy & picture and novels to send home gave to James Stuller* as starts home in the morning
Tuesday 20
Dull looking day here hevy cannonading all day all quiet at 3 oclock 27 prisoners came from Winchester hard looking cases one had his leg shot off. Draw rations for prisoners all quiet at night commences to snow at 9 oclock
Wednesday 21
All quiet to day sent 27 prisoners to Baltimore talked with the two scouts Rob & Ralph received a letter from my wife dated 18th of this month rote here one to night snowed and rained all day one man buried out of Company G all rite to night**
Thursday January 22, 1863
Dull and wet all rite to day tended a funeral of one of the 106th New York had a big hunt for some stolen carpet found it in one Myers hous went and helped arrest three soldiers took to gard hous all quiet to night nothing new rain a little to night
Friday 23
Warme and pleasant all rite to day helped to take up a man yesterday for siling from friends came for James Manfull, Abraham Marshall, ___ a can of fruit and som beafe all quiet to day one of the pickets was fired into by some ___
Saturday 24
All rite to day very warm five prisoners came in to day from Winchester Colonel Smith was promoted to Brigader General got a letter from wife and John Jackson All rite at home in provo office draw rations today 17 prisoners in gard hous
Sunday January 25,1863
Very fair all goes well to day attended church at Prestybrian Church James Manfull* started for home to day sent letter to wife also sent some little presents nothing happened to day of any account except one of our pickets was fired at by rebil ___
Monday 26
Warme and dull all rite still in provost office went with Tom Noaks to one John Williams and helped to capture Williams soon some two miles out in the country took 3 men to gard hous who gave them selves up one who was but two weaks out of Jacksons army
Tuesday 27
All rite to day coole and damp has the appearance of rane very dul nothing happened of much a bout to day was news came that the rebels had attacked our wagon trane and had captured part of it the Maryland cavalry went out and catched one of the men
Wednesday January 28, 1863
Very coald and snowing all day Shorts Cavalry brout in one rebil and two horses the capt confiscated three horses to day I drew rations for the prisoners I got foure letters from home one from my wife one from Briss Manfull one from Bill Waren and one from Henry Ruth all rite at home
Thursday 29
All rite to day snow 15 inches deape hav a good deal of running around to do talked with a scout had a secret sceame on foot was findy out some rebels in Cumberland- roat a letter home and one to Wm Waren, Thomas Cobel* was sent home ___ old man Ames went home with him all quiet to day
Friday 30
All rite to day very nice winter wether nothing to day of much importance there was some eleven prisoners brought in on day They are very hard looking fellows but they are smarter than any we hav seene since we left home would like to be at home am very anxious to here own home
Saturday January 31, 1863
Very fine wether warm and clere all quiet word came that there was a hevy force in the Shenadoah Valley look for a fight before long. Still in provo office drew rations for prisoners to day one prisoner came in from Winchester and the scout arrested on in town Got a letter from home dated 27 all well I feale first rate
January 31, 1863 Mrs Boyd the mother of the female scout secesh she is trying to get a permit to send a letter to her daughter by flag of truse from the office the name Bel Boyd
Sunday February 1
Rained a little to day drew rations for prisoners there was mor prisoners came in this morning charged with stealing horses from the signal corps Buried one soldier to day out of Co G and one out of the 106th New York All quiet to day roat a letter to Lucy I am well and harty herd Jackson was marching on Winchester very anxious for a fite
Monday 2
All rite to day very warm has the apearence of fine wether. I arrested a soldier who was trying to desert to day. Abe Marshall started home to day. I sent some candy to the children all is quiet here so ___ looked for ___ looked for I think even here ___ ___ any at all
Tuesday February 3, 1863
Very coald and freesing all is quiet to day Got word that we was to be attacked we are all anxious for to meate the Gray Backs searched a hous for rebil male it was a house belonging to a rebil curnal didn't find any thing of any importance. Peter Cook cam from Augusta to see his son
Wednesday 4
All goes well to day draw rations for prisoners arrested a cople of sitisens charged with being a spy was at Rale Road saw Isaiah Jackson* James Perman, Sil Shaw* Got some apples a can of peaches and a can of peach butter & a letter from my wife All rite at home confiscated Mrs Fourkner trunks went and put down a row.
Thursday 5
Cold and snowing all day tis raining this evening tranes are running nothing has happened to day of much importance. I arrested three men but no charge brought a gainst them went to gard hous with Jackson* & Shaw* got a letter from my wife dated Feb 1st all rite at home. Ab Gray and George Huet was a rested. Ab was T.T. that is all rite
Friday February 6, 1863
Warm and thawing very sloppy all goes well to day arrested several drunk men all goes quiet to night- got a ref and white and blue song from a rebil prisioner who lives in Strawsburgh. Riting a letter home to wife would like to be at home to night but cant goe
Saturday 7
Very fine sun to day and very sloppy word came to town to day that the rebels had captured Thompsons Stage and hack six horses and seven men one escaped had a talk with him arrested a man for selling liquor to a soldier Mrs Vanpelt & Mrs Shaw had a talk about old Augusts so men arrested to day all is quiet and are looking for paymaster with ___
Monday February 9, 1863
Warme and dry all but the streets all goes well to day brought in seven prisoners to day the men who captured the Stage I have beene very sick to day with sick hedach but I think will be all rite to morrow I arrest a man by the name of Chiles who was a rebil quartermaster
Tuesday 10
Tis very pleasant to day and the roads are drying up very fast we are sending 19 prisoners off to day I am still sick but am better than I was yesterday I think I will be well a gainst tomorrow am riting a letter to my wife all goes well to day boys are getting along very well
Wednesday 11
Snowing and raining all day nothing transpiring of any sort to day roat a letter home to wife to night I had to goe the guard rounds with the patrole officer had grate deale of fun was several Negrow houses made o arrest all goes quiet at 10 oclock at night James Perman staid with us to night
Thursday February 12, 1863
Got orders this morning to goe to out side picket post and arrest a man by the name of H. Hawk he did not make his appearance commenced raining at noon a rebil left tenant was brought in to day Got my picture taken to day word came here to night that our pickets was fired into Carnesville and drove in
Friday 13
This has beene a very fine day I hav beene very busy to day I roat Perman and Jackson* a pass Got a letter from my wife to day all is well I helped to hand cuff a lentenant to night his name was Snider he resisted to the last he tride to burn a Union family to deth and he cited a Union man & so forth
Saturday 14
All goes well to day hav mad several arrests of drunk men the pay master has paid off all the troop here but the infantry we have not beene looking strong for him roat a letter to wife all is well but we want money and if we don't get it we will have a fuss
Sunday February 15,1863
All quiet to day tis very warm and very pleasant had a good deale to do to day made som arrests confiscated two barrels of whiskey from James Muliger and James Helferstog. James Perman is going home in morning got a letter from my wife to day so all goes well tonight
Monday 16
Very warm to day all goes well we hav made two arrests to day of drunken men and men who hav break the pease. James Perman and Josiah Shaw*went to Antietam to day tis a plesant day for a trip.
Tuesday 17
Tis snowing very fast this morning and tis very cold all goes well to day nothing transpires of any noat James Perman and Si Shaw*went home today. Sent a letter to my wife seven prisoners came in to day they are tolerable hard ones. But they averse with the rest
Wednesday February 18,1863
Tis raning this morning and very bad all goes quiet to day Co G goes down the R.R, to Carnesville had a big fire in town last night The German Reform Church was burnt down we hav made 8 arrests since 10 oclock this morning Gard hous is nearly full they are having a gay time
Thursday 19
All goes well to day tis a very bad day I feale first rate there has beene 3 deths out of our regiment to day. There is a heape of sickness in Camp. William Jackson*Has the feavor and is very bad Peter Cook*will dy I received a letter from wife all goes well at home am riting to wife to day
Friday 20
Tis a very warme day looks like spring sent letter to wife to day went six miles on Winchester Road to arrest a Negro who was caring rebil male his name was Leayard was arrested close to Bunker Hill found some male non of any account
Saturday February 21, 1863
Tis a very warm day and ___ business tolerable fast made one arrest to day for noosence attended Leutenant Shaffers funeral saw a man who was turned out of the service his hed was shaved and he had a dishonorable discharge he looked worse that H___ two rebil deserters came in to day.
Sunday 22
Tis snowing like the devil to day the snow is ten inches deepe all is quiet to day was two left tenants and two privates. I arrested a man to day and poot him in the gard hous. Shut up two stores to day and one whiskey shop so you see we were busy
Monday 23
Very cold to day hav a good deale to do hav confiscated three barrels of whiskey to day I arrested one George Morgan and find him five dollars arrested two drunk men one for shooting his Capton and for threating to shoot one of us ___ got a letter from wife she is coming to see me
Tuesday February 24, 1863
All rite this morning wife came in 10 oclock and 55 minuets trane came through all rite was glad to see them. J.B. Roaches wife came on the same trane we poot up a mans by the name of Baltz on Union Hill. Tis a brick hous we stop in ___
Wednesday 25
All well to day Nothing transpired of much ___ ___ the ten oclock trane brings Mrs Jackson and Mrs Manfull there boys are very sick I carried there trunk from trane they are stopping on the Winchester Road in a brick hous below hospital
Thursday 26
Tis very nice day and to day make three arrests and search two men nothing found on there person word came to day that the rebels had made a rade down in the nabor hood of Strawsbaugh hevy skirmishing in ___ and the Pinsilvania Cavalry run
Friday February 27, 1863
All goes well to day tis very nice day Still bad news from Strawsburgh and some skirmishing our loss is a bout 80 killed wounded and prisoners. The Mariland boys bring in a prisoner who had beens stopping with us in the office was letters found on him & maps
Saturday 28
Very pleasant to day make 2 arrests in fore noon and in after noon take my wife and go to sentry hav a very pleasant walk here the cannons at Strawsburgh still bad news from Strawsburgh. Arrested a woman and poot he in gurd hous
Sunday March 1
Tis a very nice day all is quiet nothing happens to day of any importance There is 50 prisoners came from Winchester dirty looking fellows and most of them lowsey some lame some sick and they are very hard in ___
Monday March 2, 1863
Sent a letter to father Tis a very nice day wife and Roaches wife visits the hospitals and camps all goes well to day Nothing happens of any importance send off 50 prisoners draw rations & forage hav a busy day Adkerson leaves with his boy Telegraph for him he was arrested at Grafton received a letter from Bro Tom
Tuesday 3
Blustery and sleeting make 3 arrests there is 5 prisoners comes from Harpers Ferry They had taken French furlows. Old Adkerson and son are brought in to day. There are very badly ___ sirch three houses take three guns & one ____ valse belongs to a spy
Wednesday 4
Tis very cold to day have sent off 9 prisoner and two women who was sent through the lines all goes well to day tis a very fine and cleare my wife is sick but ___ ___ she was.
Thursday March 5, 1863
All rite to day very fare captured six guns and arrested to men for fiting put them in guard hous Summers Cavalry was ordered to Bunker Hill. The New York reg was, put under marching orders to day they leave tomorrow at 8 oclock
Friday 6
All rite to day tis cold and cloudy hav made three arrests helpe search a house for government goods found foure knapsacks and 2 gun straps took a invors of guns on hands have to send them tomorrow to whiling was signing to sign to New York 106th left=
Saturday 7
Tis raining this morning and very mudy all goes well The 5 regular battery left for Winchester this morning they cam from Baltimore serched two houses to day and found two gun and two sabers packed all the guns for to leave us.
Sunday March 8, 1863
All rite to day Coole & cleare nothing transpired to day of any importance made a few arrests all quiet up at Winchester sickness in camp better
Monday 9
Nothing has transpired to day of any noat with the exceptions of a cople of arrests and a cople of houses we searched for government stores we found in one a cople of guns and in the other we found foure knapsacks two of them marked 65 Illinois
Tuesday 10
All rite to day tis very dull wether children is very unwell Got a bad coald serch more houses and found some guns made some arrests of drunken men the town is tolerable quiet all well up at Winchester so rebs in that nebor hood
Wednesday March 11, 1863
Tis a tolerable fine day all is rite in town have a heep to do to day find a box of guns which was stored away till the rebels would come we found the box at Mr. Scots Hotel. There was two guns two sabers one Colt's revolver and a lot of rations in it.
Thursday 12
This is a very fine day The children are a good deale better and I feale better my self we take a walk to sentry and see a soldier burial in the honors of war was a very nice sight but I did not like to see it The day gets cooler
Friday 13
Business is very brisk to day Hav a good many men to arrest Tis a very dull day The children are not so well to day as the hav beene all quiet up a bove so rebels were over men and consternating. There force up at Winchester There is som 40000 men there
Saturday March 14, 1863
All rite to day not much to do to day we make a couple of arrests and sease 5 trunks belonging to two Gregory ladies. They hale from Augusta Gregory there trunks and themselves are to be sent to Baltimore I think there will be a big hall made we sent them.
Sunday 15
Tis snowing this morning and raining this morning all quiet the Gregory ladies hav come back there was (1800) eighteen hundred dollars worth of conterband goods found in the trunks. The ladies are to be sent a cross the lines
Monday 16
All is rite this morning make a couple of arrests to day George Huet*is a going to goe home with him owe Children is better than they was the women folk a bout ___ home to day or a Wednesday at the futhest.
Tuesday March 17, 1863
All rite to day put three men in gard hous help move the printing press low to print a paper in town wife lows to start home on tomorrow the children are better all runes smoothly to day the town is quiet
Wednesday 18
Very dull this morning here and Leady visited Fowkners dwelling had a very plesant walk visited the sick and found them better wife started for home on the 2 oclock trane was very sory to see here goe Children sick they was accompanied by Mr. Harsh Esgn
Thursday 19
All quiet to day hav don nothing of any importance I am very lonesome but will hav to put up with it Mr Boltz has the small box very bad hav to goe down to trane to night-George Ebersol*and Stinger went home last nights trane
Friday March 20, 1863
All rite to day tis very cold and has the appearance of snow got word to day that some of the 12th Virginia soldiers had stole a barrel of flower I took a gard an searched there quarters and arrested there Leutenant searched a colored mans hous for it to. Three prisoners came from Winchester
Saturday 21
All rite to day made a arrest of a man by the name of John Shipley for steeling $61.55 from a man by the name of George Chavey also captured a horse from a Negrow who was steling him from his masters tis a very bad day tis snowing and raining the town is very quiet captains wife came to day
Sunday 22
All rite to day made 4 arrests to day tis a very nice day very mudy under foot but plesant over had Saw old rock ___ to day his hed was cut off Arrested two ___ and put them in the gard hous the word came that Stewarts Cavalry was crossing the mountains
Monday March 23, 1863
All rite to day wasent attaced last night the rebels cross hier up! Burnsides division is moving up the Railroad through here it is the 9th Army have fifteen thousland strong there is a New York Batry doing picket duty on the R.R.
Tuesday 24
All rite to day to raining and very mudy- captured a barrel of whiskey to day- but they cut more than half through yet there is nothing going on in town of any importance all quiet to day
Wednesday 25
All rite to day Tis raining this morning and is very warm I arrest some smugglers The come to time rite a letter to my wife arrest a Railroad man and get nine bottles of whiskey all is going well to night.
Thursday march 26, 1863
All goes well to day made arrests to day of sitisens for taring up a Catholick Church Put all in guard hous think it will learn them a leeson took a big ride in the country to day feale first rate to night am very anxious to here from the home Children sick but think it will all be rite seven months to day sence left Augusta
Friday 27
All rite to day tis a very fine day we make some very lively arrest and good many of them there is a good many tales going to day consery the movements of the rebels but it wont a mount to much
Saturday 28
All rite to day the pay master came and it out a very good day for to pay the men I received seventy one dollars and eight 3 sents and paid my debts and sent 53 dollars home to my wife all rite to night
Sunday March 29, 1863
All rite to day Tis a vey fine day but a little coole there is nothing transpired to day of any importance Sent a letter home to wife would like to be in Augusta to day but I cant be for a time was around to see the sick boys and they are all better to day. Think they will all come around
Monday 30
All well to day tis warm and looks like spring we had a couple of arrests to day George Manfull*is very sick don't think he will ever get over he may but I hardly think he will all the boys are getting along first rate. Times look a little mery
Tuesday 31
All goes well to day tis a very bad day snowing and raining all day hav a good deale of business to do to day but I feel well and can stand it. I saw General Kelley & General Roberts to day. General Roberts is a good looking fellow makes a good General
Wednesday April 1, 1863
Tis a very coald day to day make several arrets George Huet*came to day he bring some things from home and two letters from home. I feale all rite to day for I here that the children are better and getting well all rite to night
Thursday 2
All rite to tis a very fine day till a bout four oclock and then it rained tis a very fine night we made to or three arrests to day some very corse ones shut up one whiskey shop to day it is a very bad shops made the man very mad to say but I don't think he will ___
Friday 3
Tis a very fine day sitisens all very busy making garden make two arrests to day sease a box of goods worth $90 dollars send off all the rebels three in number one first sentry got a dispatch from General Millroy to arrest a deserters We arrested the man to ___ and put him in the gard hous.
Saturday April 4, 1863
All rite to day tis very stormy snowing and blowing make some arrests to day of drunk men hav searsly any thing to do hav to stand watch to night for trane guard Sent two letters home to day one to wife the other to father would like to be home to night but cant
Sunday 5
All rite to day tis very bad day nothing goes on in town of much importance ___ make several arrests of drunkin men who is very noisy herd from home yesterday all rite it makes me feale all rite when I here that my family as all rite
Monday 6
Tis a tolerable bad day hav a good deale to do in the way of running around hav to ___ a ladies trunk find som powder and caps makes here very mad when I take them she raves but I go on with my examination and find some very duty close.
Tuesday April 7, 1863
The wether looks as if it would moderate before long all is quiet to day hav no news from Winchester of any importance There is five rebil prisoners comes down on trane to day they are hard looking fellows very dirty and lowsey They are Virginians
Wednesday 8
This day open up more like spring think we will have nice wether soon Forney Crawford *falls off a R.R. bridge and breaks his leg- There is two regiments of paroled Union soldiers go on the trane to day They was taken on the Murguris Boroughs fight
Thursday 9
All rite to day Mrs Jackson started from home to day I was down to trane got a bayonet run in my foat have very sore foat can sparsly walk on it Sent a letter to my wife by Mrs Jackson Tis very fine day looks like ___ tis all quiet in town to day
Friday April 10, 1863
Tis most a beautiful day to very warm all goes quiet to day make a arrest of sevin Nigers for fiting and two white men for drunken ness and one secest for hollering for Jeff. Got a letter from home all goes well there rite one to wife & ___ to day
Saturday 11
Very warm and cloudy looks very much like rane hav very sore foot Efrim Sheline*died yesterday and they sent him home to day Arests two soldiers of the 126th for hollering for Jeff they belong to Co I it will ___ with them will ___ ___
Sunday 12
All goes well to day tis very plesant day looks like spring I start out this morning on a scout goe to the other side of South Mountain distance seven miles so down on back creake see where the bush wackers stay hav a plesant trip
Monday April 13, 1863
Tis a very fine day and all goes well there is nothing transpires to day of much importance make but one arrest to day take a walk in evening Foot tolerable sore but getting better got word get word from home all well everything going rite to night
Tuesday 14
This morning very warm all goes well to day goe to trane to day and see William and Mary Crawford get a letter and some things from home all well at home two or three arrests to day but non of any importance
Wednesday 15
This morning is cloudy and dull commences to rain at a bout nine oclock in the morning & has the appearance of a stedy rane I see a couple of Carol Co Boys here to day John Were*and Hary Moser*they belong to the 110 Ohio Co K Now at Winchester still ranes
Thursday April 16,1863
Still cloudy and raining getting very mudy and waters getting very high nothing happens to day of any importance Hary and John starts for Winchester to day Make two arrests all goes well to day still ranes send to letter to wife
Friday 17
All quiet to day tis warm and cloudy, Bill Crawford*started home to day. Had a fuss with the band out three of them in guard hous and one under arrest hav quite a time with the band boys all quiet the evening
Saturday 18
All quiet to day Tis a very nice day hav a good deal of work to do to day a grate many drunk men in town to day and we hav to make a good many arrest hav tolerable busy time in town to day all goes quiet
Sunday April 19, 1863
Tis the finest day of the season take a big walk to play and hav a very nice time hav the sick hed ack all day tis better and I think against I get a sleepe it will be all rite Rote a letter to my wife
Monday 20
Tis raining this morning and very bad day lots to do in town hav a good many arrests to make I had to arrest a rebil by the name of Miller put him in the guard hous he will hav to go to Columbus to exchange
Tuesday 21
All goes well to day tis a coole day with a appearance of clering up after breakfast I find out two barrels of whiskey which was smuggled ___ the whiskey and find it in a load of wood and all belonged to James Miligen He did not like it I get a letter from wife all rite at home
Wednesday April 22, 1863
All goes well to day tis warm and fare hav nothing scarcely to do to day send a way five rebil prisoners to Baltimore arrest sevin Wagons of Steling Boast and one sitisen. Got a letter from Brother Tomey. Roat a letter to my wife All well to night
Thursday 23
All quiet to day. Tis very wet has the appearance of clearing up all goes well to day. There was some rebels come in to day they look mity hard I think they hav sentinly got there rits or at least the look so All quiet to night some rumor of fiting a bove
Friday 24
Has cleared up some today has the appearance to day of nice wether but don't know how long it will last some more prisoners came to day they are as hard as the others hav twenty one in number will start for Baltimore with them tomorrow all Rite to wife
Saturday April 25,1863
Tis a very nice day to day make preparations for going to Baltimore with prisoners Take them down to trane start at two oclock all is rite come to Point of Rocks There is slip in Mountain had to wate two hour. Get to Baltimore at three oclock hav to gard the prisoners to morning
Sunday 26
All rite to day the prisoners all rite take them to Fort Mchenry see all the forts around Baltimore. They are strong places lots of soldiers the 151 New York starts for Newcreek this morning. Some trouble a bov goe off lively ___ for the night
Monday 27
Start for camp to day at 8 oclock have a nice trip get to Martinsburg at 2 oclcok after noon Find that the regiment is gon get ___ and start scouting am all account till 2 oclcok inmorning They fite at Wincchester and do big business
Tuesday April 28, 1863
All well to day Tis nine day trod comes that they are fiting at Strawsburg they hav good luck look for a attack here hav sent all the cars through to Baltimore to the ___ ___ uneasy. Rite to wife all rite mity sleepy Tis 1 oclock must turn in
Wednesday 29
Tis very nice day warm and plesant there is considerable of excitement here to day Rebils close have beene seene within four miles of town- have herd nothing of the Regiment don't hav any idea when they are here a good many roomers but don't believe all I here
Thursday 30
All rite to day Tis very pleasant still a good deal of feare manifested by the sitisens here they are all redy fore a scadadel We are not alarmed no how will geo them fight- they are fiting at Strawsburgh cant tell how it will goe herd that the Reg was all rite
Friday May 1, 1863
Tis a fine day there is a good many rumors comes in concerning the 126th Regiment but we cant tell much a bout how they are getting along I seene the cavalry shoot at a man 12 times and then I arrested him and out him in the guard hous
Saturday 2
All rite to day there is a new regiment came in to day it is the 14th New Jersey the 12 Pa cavalry passed up on there way to Grafton. The boys are at Clarksburg Roat a letter to wife to day all well and getting along well very nice day hav splendid wether
Sunday 3
All rite to day wife sent me a lot of goods & shoes Tis warm cleare I had the pleasure of taking the notorious Guerrilla Cheafton Leapole who is under the sentence of deth for shooting sitisans we herd from the boys yesterday they are all rite and no fight yet no ___
Monday May 4, 1863
Tis a very nice day nothing transpired of any importance to day the news are all rite to day the boys are all rite to day some boys coming in every day for the regiment. Troops captured up at Greens Gap two companies
Tuesday 5
All rite to day tis very fine wether and all is rite a ___ I was appointed as inspector to day The boys are all rite up at Greens Gap finds a lot of counterband goods Old Joe Hooker is making the rebels git
Wednesday 6
All rite to day Tis raining and cool hav word from the boys to day fine lots of counterband goods in town to day hav a ___ in office of ___ ___ of fiting going on to day
Thursday May 7, 1863
All rite to day Tis wet and bad but has the appearance of clering up. Got a letter from home all my family is all rite hav not herd from the boys for two of three day but I guess they are all rite would like to see them and will first chance
Friday 8
It has cleared up and getting very warm and has the apprearence of being fine wether herd from the boys to day herd they was going to get in fight- will goe down & help capture two barrels of whiskey to day and help capture one ___ John ___ of Brad
Saturday 9
All rite to day Tis very warm and dry make two or three arrests to day and get word to join our regiment pack up my things an leave them at Mr M___ and low to start at two oclock A.M. on tomorrow incoming cars and we are gon
Sunday May 10, 1863
All rite to day Tis very warm and dry the ground very dry Started this morning at 2 oclock A.M. for New Creak arrived at Cumberland Md at six oclock this morning and left at ½ past six arrival at New Creak at 8 The 87th Pa V.I. passed this way from Parkersburg
Monday 11
It is very warm to day and has the appearance of rane all is quiet here to day Two companies are going out on a scout to day Co A & G had to drill to day and it went first rate Hav dress parade to night all well and full of fun
Tuesday 12
All well to day very hard drilling from eight to tenn and from two to foure until half past five hav taps at 8 oclock nothing of any importance transpiring at this time
Wednesday May 13, 1863
All rite to day tis warm and has the appearance of rane wish it would for tis to warm. Roat a letter to wife to day and one to Abel Hasse sent for my knapsack am looking for it tomorrow hav had no letter from home for one weak
Thursday 14
All rite to day tis very warm this morning I am on gurad to day it commenced to rane at 12 oclock The Curnal ordered som six officers under arrest and makes the men pay for four ___ I think will mave in a few days wish we would
Friday 15
Tis very warm to day and all is quiet I just came off guard & was detailed to go to Brig No 45 to build a fort we worked hard came in the evening very tired and was detailed to goe on a scout to Rommey to start at ___ ___
Saturday May 16, 1863
Tis warm and grey to day we start on south bound for Romny We marched 22 miles to Patersons Creak find lots of corn take 18 wagon load and come with in one of getting 45 rebils
Sunday 17
Start this morning on a scout and get 38 miles from camp don't find any rebels take 2 wagon load of flower and make for camp Arrive in camp at 3 oclock get a letter for wife and all rite at home ___ father
Monday 18
All well to day tis very warm I am very sore over my trip but don't hav to drill the Major is putting the boys through an drill these last two weaks The two forts are going on and will be don in a weake or two then this place cant be taken
Tuesday May 19 1863
All well to day Tis warm and sultry hav drill on the fore noon and drill in the after noon we drill in bayonet exercise and we hav dress parade get a letter from home all well but father the troops are going East to day
Wednesday 20
All well to day warm and windy hav drill twice to day and dress parade. Get marching orders for some point we don't know where we leave tomorrow at noon all is excitement concerning our destination some say one place & some a nother
Thursday 21
Tis very warm to day There is considerable going on in camp to day on a count of moving at ½ past 12 oclock we struck tents the after noon is put in on washing etc. at 5 oclock Mulligans Brigade comes from Grafton and at 20 minuets past nine we start for Martinsburg
Friday May 22, 1863
Tis warmer and sultry and we on the cars bound East- we arrive at Martinsburg at 10 oclock and while back in there is a man get cild. His name is Myers we forme line and march to old camp & then to new one all after morning is spent in pitching tents Got a letter from wife
Saturday 23
Tis warm and sultry and has the appearance of rane we are policing this morning and a bout noon we are through and we hav till 4 oclock to rest roat a letter to wife hav dress parade Tis awful warme everything goes well to day
Sunday 24
Tis warme to day and very sultry & has the appearance of rane the boys are gone all out on duty to day and a person cant feale comfortable any place tis so warme. Jason has just came in off of guard he is sleeping
Monday May 25,1863
Tis very warme to day we hav company drill and dress parade to day Nothing going on of any importance there is lots of soldiers coming through this place going East all the western Virginia Soldiers are moving East the rebels hav left this place
Tuesday 26
All quiet to day Tis very warme and cooler like rane Was detailed to day to help burn ded horses we burnt 30 Come in at night and cary a dispatch to Captons of Co E to goe out and do guard duty I goe a long as guide hav to lay without blankets all day
Wednesday 27
All rite to day pickets fired into hav company drill to day & battalion the battery throws shells over our heds make a big nois Geo Perdue*is going to goe home on furlow the there is three barns burnt to night The 151 New York Reg comes to night
Tuesday May 28, 1863
Am detailed to go to ___ to the ___ to build block hous goe and work hard tis very warm here firing Cavalry came in and report a bush wacker killed they are after three or foure more Tis most awful warm to day
Friday 29
Tis very warm to day and has the appearance of rane still working at block hous Go on scout to night and make it pay get 12 chickens and one muton 8 lbs butter and get nearly shot- come in all rite at day broke in morning
Saturday 30
Tis warm to day & will rane we are getting out timber will finish getting out- timber to day Capt says we will only work to 3 oclock tis 3 oclock am going to town drew 1 shirt & one pare shoes to day all quiet to night
Sunday May 31, 1863
Tis warme and raining this morning Got a letters from wife hav rote on to her all well at home but Father Had a good rest to day and will be ready for rebels in morning They say they are coming in let them come we will give them fits
Monday June 1
All goes well to day am still working at block hous Tis very warm and dry neade rane everything dry hav the block hous all most don was out to day where our men and the rebels had a fight there is several graves our men gave them fits from the appearance of things
Tuesday 2
All rite to day everything works regular tis dry but has the appearance of rane are called up in line think the rebels are coming but they do not come all quiet to night and it is very warms will rane a little to night
Wednesday June 3, 1863
Tis all quiet to day and very warme raned a little last night was out working in woods to day and had good time was getting out the timber and will get the hous done by the middle of next weake if nothing turns up
Thursday 4
All well to day looks like rane and a little coole am working at ___ Bridge there is a roomer that we will be attacked to night but we are ready for any ___ and will give them a warme reception if they come
Friday 5
All goes well to day got a letter from home all well there and getting along well was ordered to town to day to get paid off went and received 26 dollars went from camp down to block hous and all is well
Saturday June 6, 1863
Tis very warme and has the appearance of rane hav a good bit of drill and have dress parade The helth of the boys is good I am well and harty and doing finely we are looking for the rebels in here every day
Sunday 7
All is quiet to day Tis a beautiful Sunday morning I would like to be at home but I cant goe for a cople of weaks. All looks like we will have a fight before long get a letters from home all is well
Monday 8
All rite to day Tis very warme and has the appearance of rane. Roat a letter to wife to day am on picket on Williamsport Road All goes well have stopped ___ ___
Tuesday June 9, 1863
All well to day tis very wamre we had drill twice a day and dress parade The boys are all well and every thing goes off finely We are looking for a attack before long as there is rebs pass through most every day every thing indicates an early attack
Wednesday 10
All rite to day warms and has the appearance of rane the things are neding rane very bad there was a berring in town to day a child Hav drill twice to day and dress parade I feale first rate tis raning this evening and little cooler
Thursday 11
All rite to day the rane yesterday makes it all rite to day hav drill to day the battery is out to day and they through shells over our us I tell you they whistle they are shooting at targets hav dress parade to day all quiet to day got a letter from home
Friday June 12, 1863
All rite to day hav drill and it is very warme The boys are tolerable tired. I am on picket to day hav a good time lots to eat and a good place to stay look for an attack before long we will hav to be reinforced or we hav to clime
Saturday 13
Tis very warm to day am on picket can here firing all around look for some work. The wagon trane is retreating and they are having hevy fiting up at Berryville and Bunker Hill are looking for a fight to night
Sunday 14
Warme to day got orders to fall in as the rebels was approaching we form a line of battle at 9 oclock A.M. and march out to Winchester Road Skirmishing took place at 10 skirmishing all our artillery opened at 1___ up for ___ dark had to fall back Was taken prisoner by ___
Monday June 15, 1863
Slep in our ol camp ground very cold was taken next morning up to town got nothing to eat only what the Union woman gave us there has beene a forward movement of the troops to day for Maryland
Tuesday 16
In guard hous to day Rebils wont let no one speak to us wont let us poot hed out of windows they fired on us for looking out Started with us to day at 4 oclock for Winchester We arrived there at 12 oclock at night all most ded got nothing to eate
Wednesday 17
Woak up this morning & found my self very sore & hungry there is ___ leaving for Richmond to day there had beene a bout 2000 men left we have drawn some hard racks & spoilt meat and God knows when we will get any more
Thursday June 18, 1863
We started to day at 12 oclock for Richmond it commenced to rane & has been raining all afternoon we passed through Karenstown & Newtown and campe in a woods we baked out bred this morning and guy bread it was
Friday 19
Got up this morning and feale a little stiff we start and march some four or five miles and eate breakfast some do and fat baken offer a woman two dollars for a half a loaf of bread and she wont giv me any We camp in woods bake bred on stones and drink creak water
Saturday 20
Got up at foure oclock after sleeping in rane all night all start on our journey walk very fast ranes very hard I am nearly ded it still ranes we stop in a wood and everything is wet got flower and meat and hav to sleepe under a wet blanket are gaided by men who ___ ___
Sunday June 21, 1863
Got up this morning at four oclock and started walked foure miles and eat breakfast had som bred baked with water & a peace of fat meate Walked on and it ranes in after noon we march with two miles of Harrisonburg a fine little town on the Manassas R.R. staid in woods for night
Monday 22
Started this morning at foure oclock and marched four miles before breakfast & eate some fried doe and fat meate am nearly ded feate are sore and I hav a very sore hip I saw a fight between a reb & a leutentant we hav camped in the woods 13 miles from Stanton No rane to day
Tuesday 23
Got up this morning cold and hungry and started before day light and marched 4 miles before breakfast eat with out any shortening we are camped in wood 2 miles from Stanton 700 of our men started for Richmond to night
Wednesday June 24,1863
All rite this morning only I feale a little tired and very hungry bred small ones are worth one dollar & ___ worth one dollar we started at 12 oclock from our camp to Stanton we got on the cars & started at and oh God, what a trip we had in the night so in one small car and no one had to stand up all night
Thursday 25
This morning finds us still in the cars, and with in 47 miles of Richmond we arrive at Richmond at 12 oclock and at one we are marched to the tobacco warehouse and are left- The wore hous is a large building some 150 feate square and is foure stories high it is on the bank of the river
Friday 26
Was one hundred Yankees come is last night we started from the Libby prison to Belle Island at 8 oclock around at Belle Island at 10 They commenced to parole this morning Tis raining we was paroled to day at 10 oclock and we are redy to leave for City Point we got bred & pe soup for supper and the soup stunk and fit to eate I have eate no supper to day
Saturday June 27, 1863
Tis raining this morning and very bad wether it is sevin oclock and we hav had no breakfast I am very hungry the rebels is very uneasy this morning They are moving there there heavy guns they are practicing with shel this afternoon our boys come in to day we got our supper peas & bred old peas moldy
Sunday 28
This morning is very dull we don't get any breakfast till fifteen minuets past 12 oclock and then nothing but dry bred and flyblown meat there was three tranes loded with rebil passed here to stay going south supper time comes and we got bred and pe soup such soup a man cant eate it
Monday 29
The are still on Bel Island and I hav beene sick today we are nearly starve to deth it has raned to day and our camp is very muddy The lord knows what will be come of us there is a rummer a float in camp that we are a going to leave before long and I hope we will be soon
Tuesday June 30, 1863
We are still on the Island There was three men died last nigh and the lord knows how many men will dy if we arnt moved There was a move in camp last but they could not goe on account of a rig being broak I don't know when we will go ___ to here from home returned 2 a day
Wednesday July 1
All is quiet on Belle Island this morning There is a grate many sick boys here I had the diereah tolerable bad We are on half rations and that bred & bigar and for supper bred & soup our boys left this after noon There is a bout one thousand of them I am nearly crasey to go home
Thursday 2
We are still on Belle Island and O Lord how hot is I never saw it so hot we just eate our breakfast we got one fourth a peace of bred and one once of meate & it is 12 oclock, God knows what will become of us if we ant soon moved I would give my life to here of home some more Yankees leave in this evening they was wounded
Friday July 3, 1863
Tis tremendous warme to day we get our dinner and breakfast all together at two oclock I hav the disintery and am nearly ded we are still looking for the flag or truse boat but it hant come in sight yet we can heare hevy deliverance and we will have a mery fourth of July
Saturday 4
This is one of the fourths of Julys we are still on Belle Island and it is warmer than I ever saw it I hav beene sick for three days and to day I am worse hav the flux or disintery I was out most all night we are looking for to leave here on tomorrow and God knows I will be glad
Sunday 5
Still on Belle Island and tis a warme and dry as ever I saw I am very sick to day we are all anxious to leave this place There is a good many sick and if they don't soon move us we will all be sick we hav very bad water
Monday July 6, 1863
Tis a very warme this morning and looks like rane It commences to rane and rane very hard we are called out and fall in to leave the island at 12 oclock and arrive Libby prison at 2 Ranes all the way we are very wet I am tolerable weake to day but will be better when I ___ ___ ___
Tuesday 7
We are in Libby prison to day and I feale but very little better we are ordered out and leave. Libby at foure oclock and marched to Castel Thunder and no rations we cross the James River and start for Sity Point at 6 oclock in evening ranes most all the way the crops are very poor see lots of slaves and ugly ___
Wednesday 8
This morning finds us at Petersburg Junction 51 miles from Richmond we start from the junction at 7 oclock and arrive at Petersburg at 2 oclock a distance of 52 miles rane all day an feale better we are waiting for boat we laid down in a lot ___ ___ ___ up. At 11oclcok and marched 2 miles to Model Farme barex
Thursday July 19, 1863
We are quartered an Model Farme barex waiting for boat to come we would of beene at Fortress Monroy (Monroe) but trane was behind time I am all most crasey to here from home, and to get whirl 2 can get something to eate Flower is worth 60 dollars a barel & meat is worth 150 per lb salt is worth 30 per lb Vinegar is worth 300 per gallon lite ___ 50 cents per peace
Friday 10
We are still on Modle Farme and I gess I don't want to get on a nother Modle Farm as long as I live we get one meale a day and that is dinner I don't see how we can live We get one meale a day and that is dinner I don't see how we can live on such rations Moldy crackers & meats with worms in There is a regiment of rebs here they ware drilling every day
Saturday 11
Well I have just got up this morning and I would give one of my arms to be at home the report is that there was boat came up last night if so we will leave to day and glad I will be when I ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ____
Sunday July 12, 1863
All is nice and quiet on the vicinity of the Model Farme and we are lating here waiting with all the patisce any body hav we slip the guard this morning goa a berring at a little past 12 oclock There is a salute fired in Petersburg for some purpose we cant tell what it is for I am nearly crasey to here from home
Monday 13
Tis very cloudy and raining and all the boys are in hops we will leave to day as it rane every time we move we are put in line and marched to station and take the cars for Sity Point Arrive at Sity Point at 10 oclock and such a chere as the boys set up when they see the truse boat. It is the New ___ we get good rations and coffee
Tuesday 14
All rite this morning we are join by over one thousand more of out boys from Richmond and we leave Sity Point at 12 oclock and arrive at Fort Monroy at 7 we pass 2 gun boats 6 miles below Sity Point ___ ___ they have placed 2 forts thee where the ___ was ___ we passed Craney Island* Pigs Point Servels Point reparts and all the ___ ___ we will be through
Wednesday July 15, 1863
We are still on the bay & I tell you it did storme last night I was sick but I am all rite this morning We landed at Annapolis at 10 oclock A.M. and was marched up to the barex east of town I saw Ben Norris* and William Crawford* they are convelisant all good ___
Thursday July 16
We are all rite to day we are drawing close we get a full reg from top to toe I feale better to day than I hav for some time I roat a letter to my wife to day I am anxious to here from home was out getting oisters to day had a good fill
Friday 17
All is rite to day we are all cleane as our new clothes hav beene all the boys hav all beene filed up I tell you it makes a heape of difference on the boys ___ and I hav beene out a berring to day and we get a fine ___ I would like to be home
Saturday July 7, 1863
All goes well to day we moved from parole camp at town to parole camp in the country and it is a tolerable extensive camp there is from foure to five thousand soldiers Here I was ___ to the by catching crabs to day I had a crab supper and it was good
Sunday 19
All is well to day tis a beautiful sabeth and we all are a going to take a big walk after I rite a letter home we went a crab hunting and had a good meal of crabs we got a mess of oisters and came to camp to think a bout home I have the direah
Monday 20
Tis very warme to day I hav the diareah very bad to day was mustered for pay ___ to get ___ pay tomorrow and start home tomorrow was down to hospital and seene Bill Crawford*he is very sick there was 1000 men came from Belle Island to day
Tuesday July 21, 1863
All is well here I was up to town to town to day and at the hospital Norris*and Crawford*are still at the hospital Crawford* is mity bad. Sam and me was after blackberries and we got a good mess I hav the diarreah yet and am very bad I am so weake Samuel is got the diareah to we cant get any thing to do us any good
Wednesday 22
We are all rite to day we are laing in sun and it is awful warme we hav all beene mustered for pay and paid 20 dollars and we low to move pretty soon I low to start home but I am awful weake I brought three pictures & sent them home
Thursday 23
All rite this morning was over to town and seene Ben Norris* and Crawford I an Sam and three others fellows started home at 2 oclock we traveled to Crownsville 6 miles we then came to Millersport distance 7 miles we travel one mile & a half from Millersport slept in wheat field
Friday July 24, 1863
Started this morning at 4 oclock and I feale tolerable tired had no breakfast we arrive at Washington railroad and found pickets all a long we laid in woods and finally flanked them we walked 9 miles to R.R. walked to Gilford distance 5 miles stopped for supper got supper and went to Pike distance of 4 miles
Saturday 25
Stopped at a woods got up this morning at 4 oclock and started had no breakfast we walked hard till a bout 11 oclock hired a wagon to take us 12 miles we paid 6 dollars we walked 18 miles & road 12 making out total 30 miles staid in old Hotel on cross roads
Sunday 26
Started this morning at foure oclock we came 3 miles and flanked Westminster from there we struck the Pittsburgh Pike and got lost came very neare running into the guards was told to rite road by a woman flanked the town a distance of 36 miles we stopped in a barn close to Emmitsburg walked 40 miles
Monday July 27, 1863
We got up this morning and walked 4 miles flanked Emmitsburg stopped for breakfast at z hous 2 miles from town on plank road passed through Emmitsburgh and walked wanster to Green Casel and Staus at the brig one mile from Green Casel we walked 40 passed over two batel fields
Tuesday 28
All rite this morning we are on the road early we loged one mile & one half from Greencasel and flanked the town we went to Wanesburg and on to the mountain to McConeburgh (McConnellsburgh) distance of 30 miles we slept on the flore of a old hous sleepe very well saw Capt Gary of the 12th Pa Volunteers
Wednesday 29
Started this morning from the foot of Bid Scrub Rig and are loving it down good ___ on to the Juniata ___ and took stage thie to Bedford a distance of 34 miles Walked 4 miles from Bedford and staid at Bridgeport
Thursday July 30, 1863
Started this morning from one mile to other side of Bridgeport to walk 27miles and was in a very hevy rane and slep in a barn walked all day and slept very bad all rite
Friday 31
Started this morning at 11 minuets past five through Summerset we past through Seavong and Mount Plesant Walked 45 miles we are very sore but I & we got where we can here the cars whisel we was arrested at Summerset and released
Saturday August 1
Started this morning and walked to Yohuganay (Youghiogheny) River went to Webster & crosses the Yohala (Youghiogheny) and got through all rite we came a cross some very nice people walked so ___ ___ are all rite
Sunday August 2
All is rite to day we took a early start this morning and we got out of Penciloany (Pennsylvania) at 5 oclock and crossed Virginia at 10 oclock at night and crossed the Ohio River we walked 50 miles and very lierel slept under a tree and rested well
Monday 3
Got up this morning and was very stiff could scarsley walk we came to Wintersville from there to Richmond Stopped at Dr. & M Pyle, got my dinner and he took us 9 miles we stopped at Thomas Marshals I feale very tyard We will get home tomorrow
No entry's made after August 3 until
Sunday December 27, 1863
Henry Vanmeter
Jepthey Vanmeter
John Vanmeter
John Albertis
This is all Ok
List of prisoners
Jan 15 Levi Crawford Charged with Murder
" " Abraham Lowers Released
" " Lewis Komer
" 16 Harrison Rhodrick Released
" " C. C. Hillard Good Fellow got ___ from ___
" " Geo N. Petty
" " A. Wisecarver
" " Jas Galeger
" " Peter Shannon
" " Eligah N. Care
" " Henry Wisceaber
" " John Plucker Discharged
" " R. Taskhom Released
" " James Finn
" 17 J.B. Sibert Paroled
" " John Jermey Paroled
" " No Body
J.F More B. Long
W.H. Bowling F.M. Howard All sent to Baltimore
A.E. Binfield J.W. Vick
W.P. See A.R. Obrion
M.W. Dago A.R. Bluton
F. Commer G Harris
Wm Riley Paroled
List of Prisoners
Johnston Thos G.W. Gall
A.G. Underwood P. Carroll
W.A. Walters W.S. Adams All sent to Baltimore
E.Byen C. Bass
Jas Galleper Hiram Sample
Pat Shinon Samuel Taylor
Oliver Right Co D, 106th NY Sent to Baltimore
John Blake Alex White
G.H. Noaks Geo Kerner All sent to regiment and Paroled
Richard L. Paney Joseph B. Overdoff
Mr Shrum Sent to Winchester
W.H. Breithwaite Paroled
January 30th 1863
S. F. Garton Co F 19th reg VA
Ambrose Jackson A, 10th Georgia Reg
L. H. Cooper Co C, 2nd Va Reg
Wm Taylor Comm Sergt A, 5th Va Sent to Cumberland
Commealo Jackson Buskwacker
Charles Straton 6th Louisiana
L. Grove is believed to be a spy
G.W. Eagle K VA Reg
List of prisoners
W. Shull C 12th Va Cavalry
G.D. Parker A 5th Va Inf
R.C. Scot Independent
James F. Foulkner Co A 5 Virginia
J. W. Haywood Rebil Spy
Richard Schrods Hous Steeling
J. W. Brentroy " "
Nimrod Hearst Co I 2 Regiment Va
George Timberlentte Co B 12th Va
Peter Dearsmart Co D 6th Reg Va Cavalry
Tho Anderson Maryland Artillery
C.J. Matheres " " " "
S,B, Hearley " " " "
J.B. Armstrong " " " "
William Stevens F 17th Va Battalion Cav
Leaft Sherer Co H 51st Va Infantry
H.J. Rosebraugh Bush Wacker
J. M. Broy rebil Soldier
Abner Willis Co B 12 reg Va Cav
S.D. Tapscot Co B 2nd Reg Va Inf
W.H. Cave Deserter from the rebels
A. Swaty " " " "
W.H. Pope " " " "
Sergeant Try B. Wells Co B 123 OVI one July
M.J. Jolley One ceg of egs 126th Reg Co A
D.H. Morthy Q.M. 122 OVI Winchester
N.A. Mgruder Winchester care of Capt B.F. Sell Co D 122 OVI___
Oliver Greines 3rd Va care Capt. W.H. Hunt
William R. Felty Co A 87th Pa VI one box sigars
M Collins Co I 87th Pa VI one bottle whiskey
Frank Barnhart Co A 87th Pa one box sweat oil & sundry
Leut A. Strickler Co E, 87th Pa VI one can whiskey
Edward Strickfather 123 Reg OVI 1 botel whiskey
Leyman Lence in care Capt C.H. Rigs 123 OVI one tug
Dr E.M. Pyle Richmond Jefferson Co, Ohio
To Martinsburg Va Berkley Co Brickels town to
Bunker Hill to Winchester Fredrick Co 23 miles
From Winchester to Karenstown 4 miles
From Karenstown to Newton 6 miles
" Newton to Middletown 4 miles
" Middletown to Strasburg 8 miles
" Strasburg to Woodstock 12 miles
" Woodstock to Edenburg 12 miles
" Edenburg to Hocksestown 6 miles
" Hockestown to New Market 7 miles
" New Market to Harrisonburg 5 miles Mount Jackson
" Harrisonburg to Mount Crawford 8
" Mount Crawford to Honey Vill 4 miles
" Honey Vill to Stanton 8 miles
" Stanton to Richmond 136 miles
" Richmond to Petersburg 103 miles
" Petersburg to Sity Point 13 miles
" Sity Point to Fortress Monroy 85 miles
" Fortress Monroy to Annapolis 130
8 pocket books Waynesburough Greenwood StJ
Jack Davy* 65 cts
Mathew H. Hilton 2.35
Boot Rodrick Squirts one eye
Cash Account November
Paid 30 cts for chease
" 100 for breakfast
" 500 for Wagon
" 30 for check
" 50 for ___
" 125 for super
" diner 70
" super 60
Tobaco 1.00
Bred 1.00
Pies 2.00
Bred 1.00
Jack Davy* paid me 1.33
Ed Bell " " .56
Hilton Detor to 5.00 dollars
Hilton paid 5.15
Sam 25
Mount Pleasant turn off Joneses Mill Samuel Stores Bastemy ___ ___ Army of the ___
Baltimore to Wheling 1oclcok 22 min
Wheling to baltom 11-45
Express 2-10 west
12-52 East Stuver Battery ___ ___
Mr James J. Watson
Lake Providence Louisiana in care of Capt W.S. Williams 3rd 2nd Battery O.V.A. 4th Brigade 3rd Division 17th Army Core Army of the Mississippi
William T. Heninery 100 pares shooes 100 pounds soda, 2 pounds hams 5 sacks salt
George Chavey
H. John Shipley Co D Virginia Reg
George Chavey sayes that John Shipley did steale his pocket book continuing 61 dollars and fifty five cts
Milton Yager Co I, 87th Pa VI arrested by order of Leutentant New 1st New York Cavalry
William J. Grantham Contractor for whiskey
Richard Hardesty John Chamberland
Elen Hooper Moley Hooper
Elen Hooper received money from a rebil officer and brought a rebil uniform the whiteness in this case Moley Hooper a major in the rebil
Wm McGares John Kureus inquire at John Gunter
Last page of this diary is unreadable due to fading
Soldiers names mentioned
1st Lt Joseph M. Shaffer Co K, 126th OVI died of disease 2-1-1863 @ Martinsburg, W.Va.
Pvt Ephraim Sheline Co E, 126th OVI died of disease 4-10-1863 @ Martinsburg, W.Va
Pvt George Manfull Co F, 126th OVI. Discharged for disability 6-6-1863
Pvt Thomas Manfull Co F, 126th OVI Discharged for disability 6-6-1863
Pvt Ithamer Mills, Co F, 126th OVI Discharged for disability 2-23-1863
Pvt Henderson Ball Co F, 126th OVI Discharged for disability 2-23-1863
Pvt Aruthur Ball Co F, 126th OVI, died of disease 12-8-1863 @ Cumberland, Md
Pvt William Crawford Co F, 126th OVI died of disease 8-15-1863@ Anapolis, Md.
Corporal Thomas Crawford, Co F, 126th OVI
Pvt Alonzo L. Delford Co F, 126th OVI
Colonel Benjamin Smith 126th OVI
Corp David Boltz, Co B, 108th OVI
Pvt E.A. Galeher, Co M, 2nd OVC
Pvt Thomas Coble Co F, 126th OVI died of disease January 29, 1863
Pvt Sil Shaw Listed as Jesse W. Shaw, Co F, 126th OVI
Corporal Isiah Jackson Listed as Corporal William Jackson Co F, 126th OVI
Pvt Ab Gray listed as Abner Gray Co. F, 126th OVI
Pvt George Huet Listed as George Hewit, Co F, 126th OVI
Pvt George Ebersole Listed as John M. Ebersole Co F, 126th OVI
Pvt John Were Co K, 110th OVI
Pvt Henry Moser Co K, 110th OVI
Corporal David Turnipseed Co F, 126th OVI
Pvt Samuel Turnipseed Co F, 126th OVI
Pvt James Stills Co F, 126th OVI died of disease April 15, 1863 Martinsburg, W. VA.
Pvt Peter Cook Co F, 126th OVI
Corporal Robert Walton, Co F, 126th OVI
Pvt George Perdue Co F, 126th OVI
Sgt Benjamin Norris Co F, 126th OVI
Pvt John Davy, Co E, 126th OVI. He was captured 6-14-63 @ Martinsburg, W.Va,
p aroled 7-8-63, exchanged 9-1-63 and returned to company 11-15-63
Pvt John Stuller Listed as Josiah Stuller Co F, 126th OVI
Sgt Iry D. Wells Co B, 123th OVI
Pvt Lyman Luce, Co. G, 123rd OVI
Pvt Edward Strickfather, Co B, 123th OVI
Capt Charles H. Riggs Co G, 123rd OVI; captured 6-15-63 near Winchester, Va. Sent to Libby prision
Craney Island is near Portsmouth-Norfolk , Va
Colonel Ephriam Eckley, 80th OVI
General Robert McCook
General Robert H. Milroy
Brigadier General B.F. Kelley, Division commander of the 126th OVI
126th OVI Home